Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 1 FPGA Tools Course The LogiBLOX GUI and the Core Generator LogiBLOX L BX
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 2 Objectives Understand the advantages of using LogiBLOX and Core Generator components Understand how to incorporate a LogiBLOX component or Core into a design Learn the capabilities of the LogiBLOX components
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 3 Outline About the LogiBLOX GUI About the Core Generator Summary
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 4 Why is LogiBLOX important? The LogiBLOX GUI is used for creating high-level components LogiBLOX contains templates of VARIABLE SIZE Each templates has different options that enable the user to customize device utilization The GUI disables selections that are incompatible with your design selections LogiBLOX components are entered into a schematic or HDL code just like a macro Functional simulation is possible without implementation
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 5 How to use LogiBLOX in HDL code Instantiation of some LogiBLOX components is often essential to synthesis users, since most synthesis tools cannot optimize for FPGA architectural features (e.g. RAM). To instantiate a LogiBlox function: – Use the LogiBLOX GUI to create the custom component – Cut and paste the VHDL entity (.vhi) or Verilog component declaration (.vei) the LogiBLOX GUI creates
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 6 Creating a LogiBLOX Component Invoke the LogiBLOX GUI –On PC, use the command Start -> Programs -> Xilinx -> LogiBLOX The Module Selector appears Specify Module type Setup LogiBLOX to specify Output file directory Design Entry and Simulation tools Part type Output Files for simulation
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 7 After selecting a Module... Name the component Specify a bus width Select the desired ports Choose a Style and Operation Choose a loading value For example, an asynchronous reset for a 4-bit counter will require an Async Val of “0000”
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 8 Module Types Clock Dividers Comparators Data Registers Inputs/Outputs Memories Shift Registers Simple Gates Tristate Buffers Adders Subtracters Counters Constants Pads Multiplexers Decoders
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 9 Counters Choosing a style will determine the resources used for the component For example, choosing the Maximum Speed style for an XC4000 device tells the software to use the Carry Logic resources to generate the fastest implementation style The Counter styles include binary, Johnson, LFSR, or One-Hot encoded counters
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 10 Memories The Memories component creates custom sized RAM, ROM, or dual-port RAM This component will create the input decoder and output multiplexer when necessary Specify the necessary bus width and memory depth to customize the size Use a memory file to initialize a memory (for example, tenths.mem)
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 11 Multiplexers The Multiplexer component can have up to eight input busses This component can be optimized for area and speed The Mux component can utilize tristate buffers by selecting the Wired-AND Style when an XC4000 device has been selected
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 12 Outline About the LogiBLOX GUI About the Core Generator Summary
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 13 Why is the Core Generator important? The Core Generator reduces design turn around time, since the components are pre-verified and only require that components be instantiated into a design. Predictable performance and functionality reduces verification and compile times, while reducing design risk. The Core Generator supports VHDL, Verilog and schematic design entry methodologies.
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 14 Core Generator The Core Generator is a graphical interactive tool for creating large, high-level modules The Core Generator currently supports XC4000E/EX/XL/XV and SPARTAN FPGAs. Limited support for Virtex is also available. All components are verified. Most allow some customization. All Cores are entered into a design through direct instantiation, so no optimization occurs. Most components are pre-placed so performance can be reproduced.
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 15 CORE Generator Library LogiCOREs and Alliance COREs are high-level functions that can be used in many applications LogiCOREs are supported by Xilinx LogiCOREs can be created with the Core Generator for immediate implementation Alliance COREs can be obtained by contacting the appropriate Alliance CORE Partner Contact information for each Alliance CORE Partner is provided in the associated data sheet Alliance COREs are made and supported by Xilinx’s Alliance CORE Partners
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 16 LogiCORE Application Areas Basic Elements –Multiplexers and Parallel to Serial Converters DSP Functions –These range from small building blocks such as Time Skew Buffers to larger system-level functions such as FIR filters and Correlators Math Functions –Accumulators, Adders, Subtracters, Complementers, Multipliers, Integrators, and Square Root generators Memories –Pipelined Delay Elements, Single and Dual Port Rams, ROMs, and Synchronous FIFOs PCI –Master and Slave Interfaces, and PCI Bridge
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 17 Alliance CORE Application Areas Base-Level Functions –Processor Peripherals *Such as DMA Controllers and Programmable Interrupt Controllers –Processor Products *Such as RISC CPU Cores –UARTs Communication and Networking –ATM –Forward Error Correction *Such as Reed-Solomon Encoders/ Decoders –T1 framers Standard Bus Interfaces –PCMCIA and USB
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 18 Outline About the LogiBLOX GUI About the Core Generator Summary
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 19 Summary LogiBLOX components are especially useful for creating custom size and function components –Arithmetic functions can use the Carry Logic resources –The Memories component will create the necessary decoder and multiplexer necessary for large RAMs, ROMs, and FIFOs The Core Generator enables the creation of a large range of high-level LogiCOREs AllianceCORE Partners have created a broad selection of large system-level functions
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 20 For More Information... Try using the On-Line Help menu for each component. Most questions about each component can be answered here with little effort. Consult the LogiBLOX Users Guide on the M1 Documentation CD-ROM. Refer to the LogiCORE PCI Data Book or the CORE Solutions Data Book. Check the CORELINX area of for the latest information about unreleased Cores.
Tools - LogiBLOX - Chapter 5 slide 21 Questions Arithmetic functions can use what special resource to improve performance and density? What advantage is there in using a LogiBLOX Ram rather than a Ram from the Xilinx Unified Library? AllianceCOREs are created, tested, sold, and supported by Xilinx’s AllianceCORE partners. (True/False)