DO NOW As the poster boards are passed around, write down one food that you like and one food that you dislike.
Foods that you dislike… What trends do you see in the foods that you dislike? The majority of foods listed are healthy foods!
Why is it that the majority of this list is healthy foods? Most of our healthy foods have a bland taste to them because they do not have fat in them. Fat gives food a lot of flavor.
NUTRIENTS All of the foods listed, both those we like and the foods we dislike, contain nutrients. What are nutrients? Substances in food that your body needs to function properly, to grow, to repair itself, and to supply you with energy.
Hunger versus Appetite Which would be physical and which would be psychological?
Influences on our Eating Habits What type of things have an influence over our food choices?
Influences... Family Culture Media and advertising Peer influences Personal taste Mood and emotion
Food Choice Factors Complete the Food Choice Factors Worksheet on your own. Afterwards, each group will choose one person to total each category for their table. We will then take a look at which factors are most important for this class.
Food Choice Factors What are your favorite foods? Why do you like them? Which foods do most of the members of your family enjoy together? Are there any foods that your family does not eat? Does what you eat say something about who you are? What role does advertising play in your choices?
Nutrition and Advertising How do advertisers use words and images (photos, drawings, etc.) to try to make their products appealing to consumers?
CLOSURE You will be creating posters depicting common nutrition-related advertising influences and themes. Your group may choose any advertising theme you can think of. You can use the magazines I’ve provided to find food advertisements for ideas. When finished, you will present your posters to the class. Take the final few minutes of class to brainstorm an idea for an advertising theme. We will be creating our billboards tomorrow.