3 or 4 people to a table, please
What words come to mind when you hear the word…
Here’s what I think of…
#1. An introduction to… #2. Your FIRST LR Library
Ms. Trapani
13 years and counting… Reading, Research, & Technology “Go-To Person” High expectations “If you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life.”
*REMEMBER: My Job Is...
Another Person Who Can Help Make Your Lives Easier… Ms. Butler Will help you with: Book selection Research projects Computer questions
During ADVISORY (with a pass) During lunch/class (with a pass) –PEEK FIRST! Wednesdays after school Please be considerate and understanding— I may not always be free when you are
1.“Do I need a library card?” 2.“How many books can I take out at once?” 3.“How long can I keep a book?” 4.“What happens if a book gets lost?”
RESPECT the staff and the “stuff” in the library at all times. –All school rules apply –Work as hard as I do –Return your books on time –Read, read, read!
18,000 books Academic topics & just for fun Borrow for 4 weeks Don’t lose/destroy the books! 12 computers & 2 printers For ACADEMIC uses ONLY!!! School & Library Website
Fiction Graphic novels Favorite series Mysteries, Historical Fiction, etc. Reference Dictionaries Encyclopedias Non-fiction Sports, cars, countries, animals, historical events, etc. Biographies Audio Books On tape, CD, and MP3
Some of the tools I use to help make your lives easier Designed with you in mind! (Click *LIBRARY under School Resources on LR Homepage.)
Library Website Your guide to books on the web! –Book reviews –Suggested reading lists –Podcasts –Slide shows of books in all genres –OPAC
Class Project Pages When you visit with your classes, I update the library wiki with a page dedicated to each project. Each Page Includes:Each Page Includes: –Project Description & Timeline –Your Tasks –Websites & Resources to Help you find info. –Templates –Tips on How to Get an A
Become a Here’s how…
recognition In order to get the recognition you deserve for all the books you read, follow these simple steps… 1.Go to the LR homepage ( 2.Click *Online BOOK REVIEW at left under School Resources 3.Fill in the blanks and click “Submit.”
Any questions???
Now it’s time for a…
Slide Show Created By: Ms. Trapani –Librarian Lawrence Road Middle School