Lesson Essential Question: What makes the wind blow locally and globally? 1.Winds blow from areas of _______ pressure to areas of _______ pressure. 2.What causes wind besides differences in air pressure?
Go over bellringer Use the “What is Wind” section (46-47) to complete the Wind Frayer Diagram Go over “What is Wind Frayer” Review Land and Water Lab Complete the “Local Winds Notes” and the “Land/Sea Breeze” Activity.
Definition: Caused By: Described by and measured with: Sketch: Wind-chill Factor – The name of the wind tells you where the wind is _____________________. Write an example: The horizontal movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. Differences in air pressure and an unequal heating of the atmosphere. Described by speed and direction. Measured with: Anemometer – wind speed Wind vane – wind direction The increased cooling wind can cause. coming from A south wind comes from the south
Why Does Land Heat Up and Cool Down Faster? A solid has molecules that are closer together than a liquid. This allows for better heat transfer capabilities. Think of a pool table with all the balls tightly in a rack. When you hit the balls with the cue ball, they scatter easily. If they were not so tightly packed, they would not scatter as well. Water has a higher specific heat capacity than that of land. That means it requires more energy to heat water to the same temperature you are heating the land. Water retains heat more than land which is unable to retain heat for as long however it absorbs heat well.
Local breezes are winds that blow over ____________________. They are caused by the ____________________ of Earth’s surface within a small area. Two types of local breezes are: ____________ breezes and ___________ breezes. short distances unequal heating land sea
10 Winds What type of breeze is occurring?
11 Winds What type of breeze is occurring?
Sunday, December 06, 2015 None
1.What is a local wind? 2.What are the two types of local winds? 3.What causes local winds?
1.List as many facts as you can since we began this unit (energy in earth’s atmosphere, heat transfer, wind). 2.After 5 minutes, get up and find a partner. 3.Find one idea your partner has on their list that you don’t have and jot it down. 4.Once you give an idea and get an idea, move on to another partner.