Computer networks By:
Instructions Choose a network to learn about: Click each part of the network to learn what it does Click on the home button on each page to return to the diagram of the networks To select a different network, click the networks icon on the LAN and WAN diagram pages to return to this page.
To find out what piece of the network is and what it does, just click on it! That includes the word LAN above.
LAN- Local area network 2 or more computers linked together to share information. These computers are located all in the same place, usually in the same building. Local area networks frequently use servers to store information rather than saving it directly onto the computers. This way, the same information can be accessed from any computer on the network.
WAN- wide area network Computers linked together to share information over a large geographical distance. These computers could be in the same city or spread across an even larger are like the entire state, the entire country, or the entire world. Wide area networks frequently use routers to exchange information between servers
computer An electronic device used for storing and processing information. On a network, dozens (or even millions!) of computers can be linked together to share information. The manner in which those computers are linked together is called a computer network.
printers A device used to produce paper copies of the information shown on a computer. A printer can be attached directly to a computer so that only that computer can use it to print, or it can be added to the network so that ant computer on the network can print to it.
scanner A device that captures the image of a picture or piece or paper placed inside it. This image is then saved onto the computer. A scanner can be attached directly to a computer so that only that computer can scan, or it can be added to the network so that any computer on the network can scan from it.
Network cables These are used to connect together different devices on a network. For example, a network cable can be used to connect a computer to a switch/hub. Another network cable would then be used to connect the switch/hub to the server
hubs/switches Both hubs and switches are common connection point for devices on a network. However, switches are better at using less bandwidth, so there are usually used on networks with more devices (more than about 50 computer) while hubs are used on networks with fewer devices(less than about 50 computers).
servers A computer that “serves” other computers on the network by managing success to information. Files and programs can be stored on the server and then accessed from any computer on the network.
routers A device that forwards information in the form of data packets along 2 or more networks.