5 th European Working Conditions Survey Greet Vermeylen research manager Surveys and Trend Unit Ljubljana seminar faculty of social sciences,5 October.


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Presentation transcript:

5 th European Working Conditions Survey Greet Vermeylen research manager Surveys and Trend Unit Ljubljana seminar faculty of social sciences,5 October 2011

A few pointers on quality of work Quality of work, decent work, quality of work and employment, quality of employment  Different frameworks  Multidimensional Capture the ‘ world of work ’ for all employees  Taking into consideration : different sectors / public/private / different jobs / gender / different job status / self-employed and employees The context matters: legislation, labour market, employment policies, social protection and social provisions,… Context: Sustainability, ageing workforce, lifecourse, crisis…

PROTECTING HEALTH & WELL-BEING Health and safety outcomes Exposure to risks Participation Occupational Health and Safety prevention framework Healthy work organisation Different dimensions of quality of work and employment BALANCING WORK with NON WORK LIFE Organisation of working time blurring fronteers between work and private life Social infrastructures and provisions HAVING A JOB WITH FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & EMPLOYMENT SECURITY Employment status Wages Access to social protection Workers rights QWE USING and ACQUIRING SKILLS Initial education Cognitive content of work Training & lifelong learning Career development Learning organisation

European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) European wide survey – 5 waves already: 1991, 1995, 2000 (+01/02), 2005 and questionnaire / translated in all the languages  2010: 25 languages and 16 variants Country coverage: EU + neighbour countries  5 th EWCS (2010): 34 countries covered : EU27 + NO + ACC3 + IPA3  interviews in total (1000/4000 interview per country) Workers survey: employees and self-employed (15+) (LFS def)  face to face interviews Covers many different aspects of the conditions of work and employment of European workers (more than 100 questions)  Demographics, structure of workforce, job characteristics, household info (incl work at home)  Working time : duration, organisation  Physical and psychosocial work factors  Nature of work / place of work / work organisation  Job content and training  Work-life balance  Information and consultation  Outcomes : health, job satisfaction  Earnings Gender mainstreaming : central in reflection on questionnaire

Change over the last 20 years Globalisation Structure of employment  More in services, less in industry  A wide variety of employment contracts (& blurring division between self-employed and employees) A more diverse workforce  More women on the labour market _-> but gender segregation remains  Ageing workforce (National) policies aiming at modernising working life aimed at social progress and /or developing competitiveness

Working time working time duration  Working time is decreasing on average From 40.5 hrs/week in 1991 (EC12) to 37.5 hrs/week in EU27 (2010) - On average men work 7 hrs more than women in paid empl - However: paid + unpaid work: women work more  Time segregation (next to occupational/sectoral/pay segreg) - Women work more shorter hours -Men work more longer hours -But women do bulk of household work Working time organisation Working time preferences

Evolution of weekly working hours, 1991 – 2010, EC12, EU15 and EU27 (%)

Average working hours and distribution of working hours, per country

Level of job segregation at the workplace by gender, 2010, EU27 (%) Some results of the EWCS

Employer-paid training by age of employee, 1995 – 2010, EU15 and EU27 (%) (or paid by oneself if self-employed) Training on increase, but big differences remain

Employer paid training by country, employees

Participation in improving the work organisation or processes, by country, 2010 (%) Workers involved in workplace innovation

Work intensity on the increase Working to tight deadlines, EC12, EU15 and EU27, (%)

Risk exposures: - overall: little change - differences however between different countries, sectors, occupation - gender differences in exposure to physical risks

Psychosocial risks Complex phenomenon:  work related ‘stress’ can be related to many issues. Worrying developments:  stable high levels of work intensity  no increase in workers’ room for manoeuvre Work related stress factors :  Work demands work intensity, working long hours, cognitive demands, work-life balance  Emotional demands contact with people, emotional involvement, consequences of mistakes  Room for manoeuvre  Social relations  Value conflicts and work dissatisfaction  Employment insecurity and lack of career prospects and insecurity in the work  Violence, harassment and bullying

Threats and harassment by sector

Able to work at 60, by country

Conclusions Working conditions : limited but noticeable changes over time … Challenge:  Understand the phenomena  No simple answers / explanation to most phenomena Multilevel. Multi actions needed European-wide comparative data Workers and employers surveys Differences between groups of workers, economic activities and countries are important.  Changes don’t go into the same directions for all groups of workers.  Identification of groups of workers, situations of work which are of concern but also of groups and situations which shall encourage us Context remains important Change is possible and actors have a role to play  Evidence of change over time of a number of indicators. Are we heading into the right direction ? Do we want to foster / nurture more changes ?

Thank you More info: Survey Map Tool, overview report, secondary analyses Data will be available through Essex Data Archive