Office of Juvenile Affairs December Board Meeting Financial Reports for the Month Ending November 30, 2011
2 FY-12 Budget Projections As of November 30, 2011
3 FY-12 Budget to Actual for Payroll As of November 30, 2011 State Office also includes OJJDP, JABG, IT, Field Office, Carl Albert Interns and High Risk Transportation.
4 General Revolving Fund Status As of November 30, 2011 General Revolving Fund Budget to DateReceiptsVariance SSI and SSA 161,667 76,570(85,097) Income from Rent 3,000 3, School Lunch Program 211,899114,645(97,254) Inter-Agency Reimbursements 3,250-(3,250) Reimbursements-Non-Federal 22,083 14,036(8,047) Sales of Documents & Merchandise 5,000 5, Other Receipts 22,975 38,19015,215 Parental Responsibility-Child Support 93, ,43229,939 Total Revolving Funds 523, ,721(147,646)
5 Title XIX and Title IV-E Revenue As of November 30, 2011
6 Agency Special Funds As Of November 30, Trust Fund $476, Canteen Funds 17, Donation Funds Victim Restitution Fund 23,835
7 Sole Source Contracts VendorDateCostRequestorDescription Pearson Assessment And Testing 07/25/2011$5,417.36Karen Evanson (COJISD) Psych Assessment Kits for D & E Civics First, Inc.09/30/2011$8,000.00Anna KellyLaw Enforcement Training for Trainers Best Access System11/16/2011$5,355.70Russell WilsonDoor Locks
8 Emergency Purchases One emergency purchase is an agenda item that will be discussed later.