ISKCON Communications Europe Presentation at the European Leadership Meeting in Prabhupadadesh, Italy 12 th of September, 2007 Mahaprabhu dasa
History ICE began in Saunaka Rsi prabhu was the first European Director. In 2002 Merudevi dasi became the second director. In 2007 I will try to help by becoming the 3 rd coordinator.
Achievements Many educational initiatives came out of the ICELT meetings like VTE courses and Bhaktivedanta College. Many campaigns were directed or supervised by ICE like: Hungary, Germany, Russia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Ireland, etc. The ICJ was produced and is the standard reference material about ISKCON used by scholars Many internal changes in Iskcon were prompted by ICE. Interfaith brochure Experts participated in ICELT meetings including Felix Machado from the Vatican. Helped Yatras in tackling Anticult issues.
What Communications is not Communications is not Public Relations It not about projecting an image It is not about covering up
What Communications is It is preaching It is about identity and principles It is about relationships
What can Communications do for your Yatra It can accelarate the speed of spreading Krsna Consciousness. Without the support of the leaders of society it will be much more difficult to spread the Sankirtan Mission Help address important issues.
Authorities Global GBC Minister of Communications- Anuttama prabhu Euro GBC
Team Mahaprabhu dasa (Belgium)- Coordinator Govardhana prabhu (Hungary) Lal Krsna prabhu (UK) Mukunda prabhu (Slovenia) Vinay Tanna (UK)
Mission Statement ISKCON communications Europe works to create and sustain favorable environments for advancing the goals of Iskcon throughout Europe by establishing and maintaining confidence and faith in the integrity of the movement’s members and its mission by helping yatras find qualified communications preachers who can cultivate audiences such as, Academics, Religious leaders, Government, Hindu community, Anti-cult organisations, Media.
Responsabilities 1.To maintain regular and open communications with the International Communications Minister. 2.To organize an IC conference before or after the IS conference. 3.To help Yatras identify a communications coordinator for each European country. 4.To develop a strategy for Europe. 5.To facilitate communications training. 6.To prepare a yearly report to the ELM and the Euro GBC. 7.To be aware of European issues and interact with the European institutions in Brussels. 8.To participate in Euro GBC meetings.
Finances Individual Donors Euro GBC European Commission (For special conferences we may organize in the future)
We need your help To identify devotees who can become the communications directors or coordinators for your Yatra
Sample Report UK Hungary Belgium