Tool for more great ideas
The SCAMPER method is a great way to turn one idea into several more ideas. To use the method simply apply any of the actions below to your ideas. For example, if you have an idea to make a new widget, you may be able to ‘substitute’ a new material to make it stronger, or ‘magnify’ it to make it bigger, or ‘eliminate’ part of it to make it lighter.
Substitute your ideas (i.e. chalk board for maker board)
Combine your ideas (i.e. spoon + fork = spork)
Adapt your ideas (i.e. road bike into a mountain bike)
Modify (i.e. SUV with retractable roof) Magnify (i.e. stretch hummer) Minify (i.e. desktop into a laptop )
Put to other uses (i.e. futon folds from bed to couch)
Eliminate (i.e. cordless telephone)
Reverse/Rearrenge (i.e. a motor running backwards is a generator)