Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop Presented by the LDEQ, Air Permits Division Manufacturing Section Asbestos and Lead Group & LDEQ, Surveillance Division September 14, 2006
2006 Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop Introductions: –Jodi Miller (Air Permits) –Betty Brousseau (Surveillance) See Asbestos & Lead Page for Current Forms, etc.
Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop - The LDEQ is still Hurricane Recovery. - Please be patient. We will respond to phone calls as we are able. In the past year, we have processed 6460 accreditations and 6194 ADVFs, not including Negative Declarations. - Processing paperwork is our first priority. - Please ensure that the paperwork is submitted correctly the first time, or a delay will occur, even if it is submitted as an Emergency. - Regulations revisions will begin again this Fall.
Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop Asbestos Management Plans (Kathryn Berry & Claudia Rush) Comments: - New Format for AAC-8 (out by the end of this year) - For State Bldgs - Send Management Plans directly to Office of Facility Planning – not LDEQ - Definition of State Building - a building owned or leased by the state of Louisiana.
Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop Asbestos Management Plans (Kathryn Berry & Claudia Rush) Comments: Definition of a school building - “any profit or nonprofit; public or private; day, night, or residential school that provides elementary, secondary, college, or post-graduate education as determined under state law, or any school of any agency of the United States.” Note: LSU Medical School – post graduate school Charity Hospital – attended by residents (State building) If a state hospital is used to train doctors, nurses, etc, it is considered a state building Doctor Residence Apts – not a school - possibly a state bldg
Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop Asbestos Notification for Demo/Reno (Kathryn Berry & Claudia Rush) Comments: Some people are still using Very old AAC-2 forms –Some people still have problems counting 10 working days from postmark date - For All explain... When I send a fax or call regarding an incomplete AAC-2, they get set on the side until I get a response. - For All Regulations require the AAC-2 to be typed out. - For All Be sure a DEQ SW transporter number is issued. For All Contractor's name on the form needs to match State Lic Bd
Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop Asbestos Notification for Demo/Reno (Kathryn Berry & Claudia Rush) Comments: Hurricane AAC-2s Place a cover sheet for faxes of additional residential structures so we can put the Original ADVF and Amendment together Notices for Completion of Asbestos Projects Contact the Regional Office for notices of completion of asbestos projects, not the main office Emergency ADVFs Emergency ADVFs require notification within 1 hour of incident & submittal of AAC-2 within 5 days, Quicker if possible) If the AAC-2 is an Emergency, Information in Section XIV is required. For All Emergency AAC-2s faxed in, provide – “Previously submitted/ faxed on such & such a date”
Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop Asbestos Notification for Demo/Reno (Kathryn Berry & Claudia Rush) AAC-2 Negative Declarations Comments: Note: An asterisk* has been added indicating Sections be completed. I. Type of Notification: (check one) □ Original* □ Revised* □ Canceled □ Additional □ Annual (Maintenance) II.Type of Operation: (check one) □ DEMO* □ RENO □ ORDERED □ EMERGENCY □ NEGATIVE DECLARATION * (Complete only Sections w/ asterisks* for Negative Declarations) III. FACILITY DESCRIPTION * V. Approximate Amount NONREGULATED ACM NOT TO BE REMOVED DURING DEMOLITION * (if applicable) VIII.OTHER OPERATOR/ DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR: * IX. SCHEDULED DATES DEMO/RENOVATION (MM/DD/YY) * XVII. NEGATIVE DECLARATIONS ONLY: *
Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop Asbestos Training Providers (Tabitha Rice & Claudia Rush) Comments: Please read the regs, especially LAC 33:III.2799.F Use current Notification Forms on the web or contact Tabitha for a copy DO NOT Submit accreditation forms or Training Certs with SS# - The Dept does not have Legal authority to accept this information. Deficiency letters may be sent if Training Certificates are submitted with the SS#.
Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop Asbestos Training Providers (Tabitha Rice & Claudia Rush) Comments: –Double check dates prior to submitting to the Dept. Many times old submittals are used and dates don’t match current submittals. –Course Times: Model Accreditation Plan (MAP) 32 hr Initial Worker (4-8 hr days) 40 hr initial Supervisor/Contractor (S/C) (5-8 hr days) W & S/C cannot be held in simultaneously
Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop Asbestos Training Providers (Tabitha Rice & Claudia Rush) Training Provider Note to help LDEQ to provide faster service to clients: - If an individual is submitting an application (AAC-1), tell the applicant to keep a copy of their completed application for reference. - Help individuals complete applications - Provide fax service for Emergencies - Remind students that ID cards come several weeks later & are not required to work
Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop Copies of Problem & Appropriate Accreditations
Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop Asbestos Training Providers (Tabitha Rice & Claudia Rush) Training Provider Note: - Remind students, If picking up form, Note “For Pickup” on the bottom of the application -Emergencies are taking 5-7 days from the time the Asbestos & Lead Group gets the app. -Normal processing now taking 3-4 weeks. - If the applicant is in a hurry to work, they need to submit Emergency fees.
Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop Asbestos Training Providers (Tabitha Rice & Claudia Rush) Comments: –Submit One Notification Form per Class –Fill in completely – Incomplete forms will delay action –Submit Cancellation of Classes before the class is scheduled to begin (At least by 9:00am) –Problems with Duplicates – Do Not , Fax, & Mail – Just Notices – click Read Receipt & Keep for your records –Tabitha will be out 6-12 weeks; phones and will be forwarded to Claudia
Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop A Copy of the Spanish Asbestos Accreditation Form is located on the Asbestos and Lead Page at 1/Default.aspx 1/Default.aspx
Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop Asbestos Accreditations (Becky Barbier & Claudia Rush) Comments: - Inspector Qualification: HS diploma or GED –Fill in completely & accurately –Do Not send Workers to LDEQ to find out status of accreditation, this only delay processing of applications. If you provide completed forms, you contact LDEQ directly. –Accreditations for Pickup – Daily at 3:00pm –When submitting applications by hand, use the LDEQ drop box located adjacent to the lobby. Ask the guard for directions. –One AAC-1 per person no matter how many disciplines they are applying for
Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop Lead Notifications, Accreditation, Training providers, etc. (Kathryn Berry) Only 4 Lead Training Providers currently recognized by LDEQ. Individuals are commenting that there are not enough available Lead classes. If you are interested in becoming Recognized as a Lead Provider, please contact Kathryn Berry. Note: Must maintain accreditation in the discipline you instruct. Reminder: Lead Letter of Approval Required for Licensure Renewal – Begin submitting the LPF-2 to Kathy beginning October 15 th in order to ensure the letter is processed by December 31 st and avoid Emergency processing fees.
Annual Asbestos and Lead Workshop Surveillances Issues/ Concerns Questions: