The Safe Foodhandler ServSafe
Situations that Lead to Contaminating Food Have a foodborne illness Have wounds that contain a pathogen Contact with person who is ill Touch any contaminated item, and do not wash hands Have diarrhea, vomiting, or jaundice
Crazy Facts! You can infect someone BEFORE you show symptoms of the illness. Some people are CARRIERS. ◦They carry the pathogen, but never get sick. Staphylococcus aureus is carried in the nose of % of healthy adults and 20-35% carry it on their skin.
Actions that Contaminate Food Scratching the scalp Running fingers through the hair Wiping or touching the nose Rubbing an ear Touching a pimp or an infected wound Wearing a dirty uniform Coughing or sneezing into the hand Spitting in the operation
Good Personal Hygiene Program Hand practices ◦Handwashing ◦Hand care ◦Glove use ◦Bare-hand contact with ready-to-eat food Personal cleanliness Clothing
Managing a Personal Hygiene Program Create personal hygiene products Train and retrain food handlers Model correct behavior Supervise food safety practices Revising policies when laws change
How to wash hands Wet hands and arms Apply soap Scrub hand and arms vigorously Rinse hands and arms thoroughly Dry hands and arms
When to wash hands After ◦Using the restroom ◦Handling raw food (before and after) ◦Touching the hair, face, or body ◦Sneezing, coughing, or using a tissue ◦Eating, drinking, smoking or chewing gum or tobacco ◦Handling chemicals ◦Taking out garbage ◦Clearing tables ◦Touching clothes or aprons ◦Handling money
Hand Antiseptics Use only AFTER hand washing and never in place of.
Hand Care Fingernail length ◦Short and clean False fingernails ◦Do not wear Nail polish ◦Do not wear Hand wounds ◦Wear bandages and gloves
Single Use Gloves Buying Gloves ◦Disposable gloves ◦Multiple sizes ◦Latex alternatives
When to Change Gloves As soon as they become soiled or torn Before beginning a different task At least every 4 hours After handling raw food Before touching ready-to-eat food
Work Attire Hair restraints ◦Hat or hair net ◦Beard restraint Clean clothing ◦Wear clean clothes daily ◦Change at work if possible Aprons ◦Remove when leaving prep area Jewelry ◦Remove before work
Other policies Do NOT eat, drink, smoke, chew gum or tobacco at these times: ◦When prepping or serving food ◦When working in prep areas ◦When cleaning utensils and equipment