Marketing! By Hannah Williams, Ysabelle Hough, and Pujah Shan
Definition of marketing: An action or business of promoting and selling products or services Thorpe park promotes itself using internet, posters and TV
General info about the marketing department: Thorpe park – Overall responsibility of the department is to ensure the brand identity of Thorpe park is maintained in all communication both inside and outside of the park They create visual representation of the park by using: Logo’s Sign Webpages TV ads Radio ads
How marketing works for Thorpe park: They work closely with other areas e.g. brand team in the marketing depart. They communicate – If the entertainments team are organised in an event, then the brand team will make sure its on Thorpe park website. Marketing = Trade sales and corporate events
Key people in the department: Vicki smith is the head of marketing depart at Thorpe park
Public relations and entertainments: Public relations is about positive coverage and making a good reputation for the park. They are responsible for the entertainment and they work closely with other departments, for example if they are working on an event they will work with the branding department. The branding department advertises the park and organises promotions.