EuropeAid1 Presentation of the Niger-EU partnership under the framework of the G8 Land Transparency Initiative Philippe Thévenoux DG DEVCO Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid Unit C1: Rural Development, Food Security, Nutrition Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington, 26 th March 2014
Summary A) The context of the partnership B) Objectives C) Expected results D) Importance of the partnership E) The partnership within the wider EU picture EuropeAid2
A. The context of the partnership 80's: decentralised consultations and studies Adoption of the national policy on rural land tenure, the « Code Rural » in Objectives: - securing rural actors, - organisation of rural world, - protection and conservation of natural ressources, - land planning. 20 years after: increased pressure on land and natural ressources, conflicts, land speculation and natural ressources degradation calls for a review of the Rural Code. EuropeAid3
A. The context of the partnership (2/2) This review aims at: - identifying the impacts and limitations in the implementation of the Code Rural, and present tenure challenges, - proposing adjustments and new orientations, - preparing an action plan. through a multi stakeholders process at regional and then at national level. Process supported by the Swiss and the French cooperations and the EU. The G8 partnership supports the implementation of these recommendations and action plan, further strengthening the national political commitment. EuropeAid4
B. Objectives of the partnership General objective: to improve land policy implementation in Niger. Specific objectives are: - improve land governance by strengthening involvement of stakeholders, - strengthen the functioning of Rural Code structures, procedures and transparency to secure land tenure for all stakeholders, - improve transversality in tenure management, through sectorial policies consistency and synergies between the various administrations in charge. Aims at being a major contributions to application of VGGT and Afr. F&G (Niger LPI pilot country) EuropeAid5
C. Expected results (1/3) 1) A complete and consistent legal framework - revision of 1993 Ordonnance - review of Rural Code sectoral texts and complement the legal framework. - review the articulation between Rural Code and the decentralization and the public land texts. EuropeAid6
C. Expected results (2/3) 2) Administrations in charge of tenure work together and efficiently - review the land governance institutional set-up - ensure consistency between tenure security procedures and Rural Code, land register, state land and urbanism - harmonize the tools of land administration - strengthen institutional capacities of Rural Code structures EuropeAid7
C. Expected results (3/3) 3) Land governance stakeholders are involved at all levels and play an active role - sensitize stakeholders and raise awareness on the applicable texts - improve communication between land stakeholders - strengthen capacities of implementation of local administrations. EuropeAid8
D. Importance of the partnership Call the attention of all stakeholders on the governance of tenure and land transparency. Participatory approach as defined and implemented by the Rural Code: farmers and pastoralists and their organisations, traditional chieftancies, local elected representatives, technical and administrative services, TFPs, etc. The multi-stakeholders concertation allowing each stakeholder to present his views and to decide the necessary reforms consensually. The implementation of the recommendations will also involve all actors, through a follow-up Committee. EuropeAid9
E. The Niger partnership in the wider EU picture (1/2) Funding for the implementation of this partnership through a project signed with the Government of Niger. Part of a larger programme designed on the basis of proposals requested from country level: Support to the application of the VGGT in Africa in 10 countries: Niger, Ivory Coast, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Burundi, Malawi, Swaziland and Angola. This programme resulted in 2 partnerships: Niger and South Sudan (on hold pending resolution of present troubles). EuropeAid10
E. The Niger partnership in the wider EU picture (2/2) EuropeAid11 Institutional strengthening (LPI) and pilot for African wide coordination, building on the 10 country projects: - Fostering joint application of VGGT and AF&G (guides, training modules) - Building M&E system (programme level), validating sets of indicators - Exchanges and capitalisation: 2 workshops per year - Setting-up pilot communication tools (LPI concept) - Promoting institutional cooperation (FAO-LPI) - Sharing best practices with institutions and international community Source LPI
Key messages EuropeAid12 Implementation at country level, building on previous supports and coordinating involvements (+LPI) following a long term processes fully owned by Government providing international visibility on political commitment (G8) Country level implementation Continental and global level capitalisation Pilot for institutional strengthening and setting up of systems Coordination between actors (local/continental/global levels) Focus attention on Land Governance
Thank you for your attention Your comments/questions are welcome You're invited to the official launch of the Programme ! EuropeAid13