Intro This paper explores various authentication systems to see if it is possible for any one of them to be deemed cheap, practical and secure enough to be able to replace the current password mechanisms used in most workstation type environments to something else, thus paving the path for becoming the new de facto standard for industry wide authentication
What Kind of Information would be used for this Study? Mostly information regarding the various systems, their pros and cons in addition to information related to their cost in deployment. This paper will revolve around the search for a cheap and effective authentication system to replace string based passwords so anything that can be used to prove one form of authentication over another will be good.
Why do security systems in general, fail? Design model--the security model from the designers’ perspective and how it should interact with the user and the system. It is the belief how the system should work in a perfect world. User’s mental model--the model in which how the user of the system believes the security system to work, based on assumptions. The model differs from user to user, some and some users have grossly inaccurate assumptions. system model--the actual way the system works
Why should we stop using password based authentications for productivity environments? There is a problem in finding balance between usability and security. Passwords can easily be told to others. Passwords are easy to copy. There are many widely available tool of decrypting stored password information. Passwords can be captured easily during input time. There are weaknesses in password reset mechanisms that hackers may be able to exploit.
Memory Based authentication Picture Recognition Technologies (AKA graphical passwords) Pseudo-word recognition (same as graphical passwords except user is presented a series of pseudo words e.g. ' kould' from various selection screens. Artificial grammar learning (a system that requires user to memories a pattern or string of characters. e.g. JKGWYY
Criteria Of Evaluation Number of security holes Cost Ease of Use Increase in Security Scalability Practicality of implementation and modding