The “Flora brasiliensis” revisited G.J. Shepherd
How big a job ? uHow many species ?
How big a job ? uHow many species ?
How big a job ? uHow many species ? uHow many new species ?
How big a job ? uHow many species ? uHow many new species ? uHow good is the existing taxonomy ?
What are the bottlenecks ? uTypes uLiterature uSupporting documentation uAccess to adequate collections
Access to types ? from : B.R. Baum (1994)
How long do floras take ? usource Heywood 2001 * - estimated
Why do Floras take so long? uSelf-inflicted problems
Why do Floras take so long ? uSelf-inflicted problems uMust it be complete ?
Why do Floras take so long ? uSelf-inflicted problems uMust it be complete ? uMust it be so uniform ?
Why do Floras take so long ? uSelf-inflicted problems uMust it be complete ? uMust it be so uniform ? uRechecking specimen data
Why do Floras take so long ? uSelf-inflicted problems uMust it be complete ? uMust it be so uniform ? uRechecking specimen data uMust we keep on re-inventing the wheel ?
How can we speed things up ? uInfrastructure uWorking methods and tools uAttitudes
Infrastructure uImages and information on types uImages and information on other herbarium materials uLiterature uOther materials - Field notebooks, itineraries, etc.
Working methods and tools uDescription and key-making systems uInteractive keys uReference sources (online/CDs) l taxonomic names l author names and information l collector names and information l geographical names
I Sing the Flora Electric ? (apologies to Ray Bradbury...) udynamic structure utaxonomically heterogeneous ugeographically heterogeneous uThe “stone of Sisyphus” syndrome uflexibility (multi classification)
I Sing the Flora Electric ? u“multi-personality” l detailed taxonomic treatise l routine identification l limited area “pocket guides” l “picture books” l checklists l information bank and gateway to more general information - rare species, sequences, etc.