Update Club accounts Standardized team names and field names so USA can find when needed Shirt numbers on Jerseys.
We need your help All teams need coaches and managers properly registered so that they can be reached by USA and opponents. When teams do not all start with the exact same club name, USA can not find all teams when needed, such as when preparing lists of teams for voting at the AGM. When fields do not all begin with the same wording, USA has missed a field when connecting to referee assignors and that has caused games not to have referees assigned. The system lists field names alphabetically for directions for the away teams. The system connects to Google Maps when all info is in there properly.
Updating coaches and managers in team accounts. To find missing coaches and managers, go to club account, then teams, then select show coaches/managers and select yes then “apply filters” Those with out names have no coach or manager
Open up the team account, and on the lower right side are the drop down boxes to add coaches and managers.
On team page, Teams are listed by name beginning with the club name, as entered with the team was formed.
When new teams are formed they now automatically have the exact name as FYSA has on club affiliation form.
When teams are entered in a league event, they are sorted by the club name as it appears on the team account. If they are different they do not group together.
To make the names uniform Copy the club name as it appears when you create a new team Open up the team accounts that do not have the club name exactly the same Remove the old club name, and paste in the new name Save team account Once this is done to all of the old accounts, all teams will have the identical club name.
Field Names USA, and other local leagues, needs them all to start with the club code so they sort so we can find them to connect the referee assignors with the fields. This is what our list looks like We need the fields to all begin with the club code so we can connect with assignors. When a field has a generic name like “Main” we do not know what club it belongs to. This has caused games to not appear on the referee assignors list so no referee is assigned.
To view field list, from the club tab click on facilities. Our list begins with C1XUS the FYSA code for USA.
To update, click on field and info opens up. Just add club code to Location Name Also, adding Facility Address will allow connecting to Google Maps. The more info the better.
Published field directions. As you can see from the published list google maps connects to all fields where the club has complete address on facility D= D Help us get all teams to their games with good field directions. If you add your own “Map” that will be shown instead of google maps. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Updating Jersey numbers on rosters This can be done by either the team or the club Referees track players on the field by shirt number so having it accurate on game day is essential While shirt numbers can be handwritten in at game time, having them preprinted on the roster saves time at check in for the teams and referees.
Log in to team account. Select Roster
Select Current year FYSA Registration Event
Box is editable, change jersey number, press enter and jersey number is changed.