November 2013: Updates from Alma, Part 2
I found the perfect suitcase for Alma: the carry-on, after being filled, can turn into a working Vespa! She LOVED it! now we only need a trip to go to...
Busy in the yard: a little work, a little play...
Alma LOVES her day care and most days it is very hard to get her to actually leave the place at the end of the day... Alma made Christmas cards for all her day care mates (right).
Alma finished a fun filled year at Gymbaroo and got a nice certificate.
Alma got a cool T-shirt from her music class but it is so big she wears it as PJs...
Every Wednesday before music class Alma and I enjoy borrowing books and playing with the many activities in the toy library area. There is something new every week!
We have been enjoying the MOPS meetings (left) and an occasional sushi when shopping (right).
Alma always travels in style to collect Hahgoot from school
In our next presentation: more of Alma’s multi-talents revealed!