GOV. PROJECT 1 Comparing Nation- States Due Date: Feb 12, 2013 What are your 2 countries: ______________________ _______________________ Government: Sugarmon – Ferrell
PROJECT REQUIREMENTS EVERYONE: Writes a Paper GROUP: Creates a Power Point Creates a Brochure Creates Another Visual Aid 4 Member Group: Needs 4 Visuals 3 Member Group: Needs 3 Visuals
OTHER VISUAL AIDS: –Video of rap/song about the two countries Governments –Poster –Game (use –Drawing/Art Work –Sign an ABC story about your country/or videotape it –The Countries Flags –ANYTHING VISUAL AND CREATIVE Be Creative
Content of Paper SELECT TWO COUNTRIES with different governments They must have different governmental systems Either unitary, federal, or confederation. State the four characteristics –population –sovereignty –territory –government of each nation-state Describe how each nation-state became sovereign. Compare and contrast the culture, socio-economic status of the people/country, and educational system.
Turning In your Paper YOU MUST DO BOTH!! 1.Print out a Copy of your paper & turn it in to Mrs. Sugarmon 2. your paper to Mrs. Sugarmon Everyone will turn in a hard copy of their paper to Mrs. Sugarmon. In addition, everyone will me their paper as an attachment. Send paper to subject: last name, first initial, and, period Ex. (sugarmone4)
–2 Pages Typed –1” margins top, bottom, left, right –Double Spaced –Times New Roman Font only –Paper must be saved as “Rich Text” format (universal format which will enable you to open your paper regardless of program) –Must have a cover sheet –Must have reference page (APA format) –Must have three references (Info from book, website, magazine) Format your paper
Cover Sheet “Title” by Your Name Presented to: Ms. Sugarmon In Partial Fulfillment of U.S. Government _______ Period The following has been done to the best of my ability under the conditions specified for the assignment. The work is my own and credit has been given for the sources used in the research. Name:_________________________________________Date:____________ _______
NO NO’s Points will be taken off if you Break these rules: 1.No contractions. 2.No personal titles 3.No slang 6.No quotes 7.No spelling errors 8.No grammatical errors 9.If you use initials you must write out their full names first before using abbreviation ex. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 10.You must spell out numbers less than 100 Ex. Twenty-four, ninety-nine 11.Don’t use first names in your paper, You must say full name or last name Ex. Erica Nash is awesome. (right) Ex. Lindsey loves dogs. INCORRECT because CAN’T USE FIRST NAMES
Presentation Group presentation must be at least 3minutes per person (will be timed) Media will include: PowerPoint Presentation –Traditional – Must have at least 5 slides –Honors – Must have at least 10 slides Brochure about the nation-states Other forms of media which may include: –Poems, songs, skits, raps, diagrams, handouts, etc. Be creative! Cite sources.
Websites That Can Help CIA World Factbook: Help find info about different countries Type the name of the country in the search bar Compare Countries : ANEKI Ed Help Make Games, Power Points, Etc.