An Introduction to CED November, 2012
Who We Are Member-driven, nonprofit organization Since 1984… –700+ companies have gone through FastTrac ® »raised $400 million in funding –600 companies have presented at major conferences (Life Science and Tech Venture) »raised $1.1 billion Promise: Knowledge, network and access to capital
AlphaVax, Inc. Altometrics, Inc. Asklêpios BioPharmaceutical Inc., (“AskBio”) Cell Microsystems Ercole Biotech, Inc. Impulsonic, Inc. InnerOptic Technology Inc. Inspire Inc. (Acquired) Liquidia Technologies NextRay Inc. Novan, Inc. Oriel Therapeutics (Acquired) Qualiber, Inc. Science Learning Resources, Inc. Synereca Pharmaceuticals Vascular Pharmaceuticals Viamet Pharmaceuticals ® XinRay Systems LLC
Patent-pending technology Enables fast, efficient analysis of vast amounts of archived and current data. The Passive Application Response Time (PART) Monitor software –measures application response times from network traffic. Sir Robert Burbridge, Founder/CEOSir Robert Burbridge –Decade of entrepreneurship, software design/development –5 years software engineering at Cisco Systems, Inc. Jeff Terrell, PhD, Founder/CTOJeff Terrell, PhD –PhD in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, –Research on anomaly detection methods became the prototype of Altometrics’ data analytics platform.
Additional programs/events First tenant of the American Tobacco Campus-- Underground Partner in Blackstone Network CED-Venture Mentoring Service (MIT Model) Coordinator of 40+ “entrepreneurial support organizations” –Resource Map Coming Q Meet the investors Pitch Scrub
Select up-coming events Clean Tech Forum- “Investing in Cleantech” –Nov 14 th – ATC Classroom “State of Venture Capital” (JOBS act) –Nov 29 th – RTP Foundation Biotech Forum- “Anatomy of a deal” –Dec 5 th – NC Biotech Center Life Science Conference –February 27/28 th – Raleigh Convention Center See
Membership If your UNC department is member –free “umbrella” membership If student –$35 annual membership If entrepreneur –$195 annual membership Specific events may have additional fees See –Contact Jane Royall,
Jay Bigelow, Director of Entrepreneurship An Introduction to CED November, 2012