Leadership Managers Vs Leaders:  Managers are appointed to their positions. Their ability to influence is based on the formal authority inherent in that.


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Presentation transcript:

Leadership Managers Vs Leaders:  Managers are appointed to their positions. Their ability to influence is based on the formal authority inherent in that position.  Leaders may be appointed or emerge from within a work group.

Leadership theories Trait theory: According to this theory leaders posses certain traits/characteristics which make them different from non-leaders. The traits may be physical and mental such as appearance, social class, emotional stability, fluency of speech, and sociability.  The theory believes that leaders are born, not made.

Behavioral theories Theories that identified behaviors that differentiated effective leaders from ineffective leaders.  The approach turned up critical behavioral determinants of leadership.  The theory believes that people could be trained to be leaders.

Contd.. According to the theory leaders can be divided based on their style.  Autocratic style  Democratic style  Laissez-faire style Managerial grid: This is a two dimensional grid of two leadership behaviors- concern for people and concern for production- which resulted in five different leadership styles.

Contingency theories of leadership Fiedler contingency model: A leadership theory that proposed that effective group performance depended on the proper match between a leader’s style of interacting with followers and the degree to which the situation allowed the leader to control and influence.

Hersey and Blanchard situational leadership theory: A leadership contingency theory that focuses on followers’ readiness. They argue that successful leadership is achieved by selecting the right leadership style which is contingent on the level of the followers readiness. Readiness of followers refers to the extent to which people have the ability and willingness to accomplish a specific task.

Path goal theory of leadership The theory that says it’s the leaders job to assist his/her followers in attaining their goals and to provide the direction or support needed to ensure that their goals are compatible with the overall objectives of the group or organization.

Transformational- transactional leadership Transactional leaders are those who guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements. Transformational leaders are those who provide individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation and possess charisma.

Charismatic-visionary leadership Charismatic is an enthusiastic, self confident leaders whose personality and actions influence people to behave in certain ways. Visionary leadership is the ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible and attractive vision of the future that improves upon the present situation.

Team leadership Leadership is increasingly taking place within a team context. As more organizations use work teams, the role of the leader in guiding team members becomes increasingly important. The roles a leader can play in a team  Coach  Liaison with external constituents  Conflict manager  Troubleshooter

Leaders and power Five sources of leadership power:  Legitimate power: Comes from the position of the leader.  Coercive power: Comes from ability to punish or control.  Reward power: Comes from ability to give positive benefits or rewards.  Expert power: Comes from the expertise, special skills or knowledge.  Referent power: Arises because of a person’s desirable resources or personal traits.