CHECK Change the text speech into English in the box below and then press the yellow button to check c u
NEXT c u see you
CHECK Change the text speech into English in the box below and then press the yellow button to check r u coming
NEXT r u coming are you coming
CHECK Change the text speech into English in the box below and then press the yellow button to check l8
NEXT l8 late
CHECK Change the text speech into English in the box below and then press the yellow button to check y
NEXT y why
CHECK Change the text speech into English in the box below and then press the yellow button to check y r u l8
NEXT y r u l8 why are you late
CHECK Change the text speech into English in the box below and then press the yellow button to check l8r
NEXT l8r later
CHECK Change the text speech into English in the box below and then press the yellow button to check c u l8r
NEXT c u l8r see you later
CHECK Change the text speech into English in the box below and then press the yellow button to check 2day
NEXT 2day today
CHECK Change the text speech into English in the box below and then press the yellow button to check c u 2day
NEXT c u 2day see you today
CHECK Change the text speech into English in the box below and then press the yellow button to check w8
NEXT w8 wait
CHECK Change the text speech into English in the box below and then press the yellow button to check 4
NEXT 4 for
CHECK Change the text speech into English in the box below and then press the yellow button to check w8 4 u
End w8 4 u wait for you