組員: 張世謙 林原瑭 黃郁翔
Introduction Design approach Optimization Approaches Conclusion and future directions 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
報告者: 張世謙
No installation Allow multi-clients interact and share the same data and app set over the Internet More focus on mobile device Access only through web browser Cloud-based 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
Cloud platform Cloud service Cloud storage 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
Make collaboration simpler Reduce platform-incompatibility problems Reduce capital costs Improve accessibility 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
Data is stored in a cloud / cloud-like infrastructure Data can be cached locally for full-offline mode Can be used from web browser and/or custom built apps installed on Internet connected devices such as desktops, mobile phones Support for different user requirements 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
exclusively designed to be used from a web browser The obvious benefit that this computing model provides over the traditional desktop app is that it is accessible from anywhere via the web browser 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
Web-based is involved in cloud based True multi-tenancy to support various requirements & needs for consumers Support for virtualization technology, which plays a starring role for cloud era apps 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
Google Chrome OS EyeOS HP Palm OS Openmobster 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
Cross compatibility Off loading work No-plugin based system 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
Can be launched by typing a URL(web browser) No plugin components Run until the client-side offline Basic OS services Security Friendly Mobile browsing 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
報告者: 林原瑭
Cloud archteciture MeghaOS -> app server Web browser -> end user 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
Unify the system services General operating system utilities Communication and location 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
Handle low level tasks VFS, EFM, Process Manager… Libraries similar to services collection of functions 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
Handle directories and files Private editable How to create a file? Two files One for storing the content of the file, another for storing information about the file by XML format. Real files 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
User registering, logging in, etc 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
Download file from the outside URL accessible Image hosting, CSS files, etc 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
Launch, list, end processes, etc. Launch processes Need 2 variables myPid: 4 digit, identifies every processes Checknum: 8 digit, identifies every process in client-server communication 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
Define the communication between the client and the cloud server. Cloud server stores and processes the data Client: send information or ask for information Get an XML response, containing the orders to modify the client interface 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
Manages the XML responses sent by the server in exchange of information using XML HTTP Response and Request functions 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
報告者: 黃郁翔
N: 需要執行的指令數 S: 執行速度 P: 消耗功率 M: client 與 server 之間交換資料的大小 B: 網路傳輸速率 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
Effect of Caching Analysis of Bandwidth Network Latency 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔
MeghaOS No installation High compatibility Customized 張世謙、 林原瑭、 黃郁翔