Regional events 2013 HE Academy York 14 th October
11:00Welcome 11:05Introductions –overview from the centres attending 12:00The work of TechDis and the RSC 12:30 Lunch, networking and the 4D Creative pop up, plus a rolling presentation on the accessibility features of ioS7 13:30 E-safety 14:00Update on Karten developments 14:30Question time
What has happened in the last year? Sadly, Mildred Karten passed away on 1 st Jan Response to 2012 conference has led to regional events Google Group Twitter feed coming soon Discover JISC Technology Advisory Group App of the Month Dedicated co-ordinator in Israel
Funding No change from last year Trustees meet twice a year: March & September Maximum £25k New centres only in exceptional circumstances Replacement/additional equipment Money must be spent within an agreed timescale Can apply 3 years after previous grant Deadline app 6 weeks before Trustees meeting
New centres Langdon College – approved in principle before the criteria changed Extension of Centre for Deaf Blind to East Jerusalem to meet the needs of the Arab community.
Thank you to our hosts This is your Network: tell us how you want it to develop Thank you for attending