1 Generation of laser-driven secondary sources and applications Patrizio Antici Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Università di Roma “Sapienza”


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Presentation transcript:

1 Generation of laser-driven secondary sources and applications Patrizio Antici Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Università di Roma “Sapienza”

2 ELI-NP for exploring new proton energy regimes Projected proton energies for use of different applications ? New and different acceleration regimes ? fs – 1 ps fs fs I 2 (W.cm -2.µm 2 ) LOA Janusp LULI Nova PW RAL PW RAL Vulcan Osaka CUOS MPQ Tokyo ASTRA Tokyo RAL Vulcan Tokyo Yokohama  I 0.5 II b) ? Normalized intensity (I ² - W/cm²/µm²) Ultra-thin targets ( nm) J. Fuchs et al., Nat. Phys. 2, (2006) J. Schreiber et al., PRL 97, (2006) L. Robson et al Nat. Phys. 3, 58–62 (2007) P.Antici et al., Phys. of Plasma14, (2007) Standart targets (5-50 µm) ? T. Ceccotti et al., PRL 99, (2007) D. Neely et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, (2006) A. Flacco et al., PRE 81, (2010)

3 New acceleration regimes (non TNSA) are upcoming and can be tested with ELI-NP A. Robinson et al., New J. Phys. 10, (2008), A. Robinson et al., Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 51, (2009) ; N. Naumova et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, (2009) ; T. Schlegel et al., Phys. Plasmas 16, (2009) ; A. Macchi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, (2005); B. Quiao et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, (2009). X.Q.Yan et al., APB 711 (2010) RPA (no hot electrons !) Monoenergetic spectrum A. Henig et al., RPL (2009) SimulationsExperiment (current max MeV but less energy spread

4 TNSA enhancement for energy increase: beyond present-day record of 67 MeV? 2: Use of low-density plasmas 3: Geometrical e- confinement 4: Tightest laser focusing More clever strategies? 1: Decrease the target thickness (less e - spread + volumetric target heating) P. Antici et al., Phys. Plasmas 14, , (2007) T. Ceccotti et al., PRL 99, (2007) D. Neely et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, (2006) A. Flacco et al., PRE 81, (2010) P. Antici et al., New Journal of Physics 11 (2009) A. Yogo et al., PRE 77, (2008) L. Willingale et al., Phys. Rev. Lett (2006) Obvious route: « brute force » (laser energy increase) M. Nakatsutsumi et al., submitted (2009) S. Buffechou et al., PRL (2010) P. Antici et al., NIMA (2010)

5 Capturing section Laser-generated particle source Accelerating and transporting section Protons Electrons Plasma acceleratorConventional accelerator Hybrid accelerator schemes perfectly suited for ELI-NP ELI-NP can combine innovative plasma acceleration sources with conventional accelerator technology

6 Improvements using beam shaping and post-acceleration with conventional accelerators Injection studied using RF-cavity S. Nakamura et al. Jap Jour. Appl. Phys. 46 L717 (2007) M. Schollmeier et al., PRL 101, (2008) Focalisation using Quadrupoles Logan, Caparasso, Roth, Cowan, Ruhl et al. (LBNL-LLNL-GSI-GA) (2000) Combined accelerator P. Antici et al., JAP 104, (2008) First start-to-end simulations

7 Beam shaping with conventional accelerators becomes more fashionable M. Nishiuchi et al Phys Rev STAB (2010), 5% spread, 10% efficiency K. Harres et al J. Phys Conf. Series (2010) F. Nürnberg et al., PAC 2009 A. Almomani et al., Proceeding IPAC (2010) Focalisation with Solenoids Post-acc with modified DTL Transport with 1 Hz V. Bagnoud et al., APB (2009) 8 T solenoid

8 ELI-NP can test innovative accelerator structures such as SCDTLs that outperform other structures Normalized energy spectrum for 100 mA input current and two different lengths of the leading drift. Transmission (red points), output norm. envelope (blue points) versus the input current P. Antici et al., PoP (in press) Proton energy evolution within the SCDTL Side Coupled DTLs (3 GHz)New hybrid accelerator scheme +

9 ELI-NP can also test beam-handling/matching of a laser-driven electron beam line Matching line Focusing and trasporting line Laser-generated source Usable beams Laser-generated particle distribution Conventional accelerator can tailor laser-driven beams and make them adaptable to all applications ?

10 ELI-NP allows to explore WDM regimes currently unreached Stopping power Equation of state Understanding of transition phases and thermo-dynamical properties Laboratory astrophysics (conditions only existing in stellar interiors) 50 eV Higher efficiency proton beams will allow reaching unexplored hotter plasma zones (R P A: 60 % efficiency, compared to 4 % TNSA)

11 ELI-NP can be used also for experiments in the ICF or related applications 1.Higher proton energy for probing thicker material 2.Higher laser energy for higher energy electrons 3.Tailoring of heating temperature Ultra-intense laser beams Higher intensity laser = brighter beams allows measurement of hotter electron transport

12 …and much more…. Thank you for your attention !