by: Joe
SHELTER The Iroquois people lived in longhouses with Huron. Longhouses were made out of slabs of bark. The longhouses were 200 feet long and 25 feet wide. The longhouses had a barrier around it. The Iroquois bent sticks for the roof. The longhouses took years to build. It took them 2 or 3 years to make one longhouse. It was hard to find trees to get the bark. They used elm bark deer tendons, tree trunks to build some of the longhouse. The Iroquois had a lot of respect for the longhouses.
CLOTHING Some Iroquois boys wore feathers. Some people put paint on there faces. Some Iroquois girls wore feathers or fur of an Animal. Other men wore breech clothing. A lot of girls wore skirts or dresses.
IROQUOIS LAND USAGE AND FOOD People harvested wild rice. The Iroquois people grew crops and corn. Iroquois people made mask just for scaring things. Iroquois people made drums and flutes. The Iroquois ate squash, beans, wild berries, wild rice, and herbs, they harvested all of it except for the squash. They eat animals that have been disc feathered and have been cooked by a fire.
REIGON/ENVIRONMENT Usually it is hot and sunny wear the Iroquois live. It is almost sunny every day and so they wear light close. There is sand and very tall grass wear they live. They go in a boat and harvest stuff. They didn’t have much flowers.
IMPACT OF THE EUROPEANS The Europeans came in to Michigan. All of the tribes came into Michigan and battled. Most of the tribes hated each other. The Europeans hated all of the tribes. All the tribes hated didn’t get along except for Huron and Iroquois.
INTERESTING FACTS Almost everyone in all the tribes has paint on there faces. Some people have weird cloths that some people don’t even think are cloths. The Europeans were the most fears tribe out of all of the tribes. Every tribe was mean. Every tribe has battled each other.
TRAPS The Iroquois dug a hole put light sticks over it and then cover it up with leaves. Then finally they put a stick over the trap and put food on the stick wait for something fall in the hole.