The chart you have received has two columns, home and school. The chart encompasses 5 rows, food, religion, fun, leaders, and clothes. You will have to fill out each aspect of the chart. Upon completion of the chart, you will compare and contrast answers with your peers at your table. Warm Up
SWBAT to identify the meaning of the word Culture. Objective
1. Current events due at the end of this week 1. Positive behavior points will be calculated at the end of this week REMINDERS!!!!
Based upon our activities during the do now, as well as your prior background knowledge, what do you perceive the definition of culture to be? (Turn and talk)
A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.
Everyone doesn’t have the same customs and traditions, and how but more importantly where you grew up, along with your geographic location, influences your culture. How would ones geographic location affect the type of food they eat, plant or hunt? (Turn and talk)
What happened once large mammals that were once hunted disappeared? How did that shift more of a nomadic lifestyle to one where people are beginning to settle (Turn and talk to discuss these two questions)
Over the next week we will be examine the lifestyles and cultures of the early Native Americans. I would like to show an introductory video titled, Introducing Native American cultures before
Know Want to know Learned *Specifically the culture of the first people who settled in North America prior to the arrival of the Europeans. Draw conclusions about what to add to the chart from the conversations you had with their peers after the completion of the warm up, the teacher’s discussion, and the 10-minute video on Native American cultures.
Write 3-5 sentences on how you believe your culture would be different if you lived in another area of the world. Independent Practice
Groups will be assigned a region of the United States (North, South, East, Midwest). Students will be instructed to identify the type of cultures of each region (consider, clothing, food, recreation, transportation ect.). Group 1-Northern Group 2- Southern Group 3- Midwest Group 4- East Coast Group Work
What is culture? How does the area in which you live effect your culture? Keep these questions in mind as we begin to explore the cultures of different Native American tribes next week. Exit Ticket
If you had to move to another region of the United States and fully immerse yourself in their culture, where would you go? What do you think the culture would look like there? Homework