Grids and HEP Computing coordination ICFA seminar Guy Wormser IHEPCCC chair LAL Orsay.


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Presentation transcript:

Grids and HEP Computing coordination ICFA seminar Guy Wormser IHEPCCC chair LAL Orsay

Guy Wormser, ICFA seminar, Daegu, Korea, September 30, Grids and HEP Around 1998, a new concept « GRID computing » landed in HEP physics computing: “A computational grid is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides dependable, consistent, pervasive, and inexpensive access to high computational capabilities.” (The Grid, I. Foster, C. Kesselman, 1998) It had immediately a large worldwide impact in HEP –HEP is a very distributed field, naturally structured into virtual organisations –Huge computing needs for LHC and other projects –Embarassingly parallel style of computing well matched to simple Grid architecture –The network bandwith “explosion”

Guy Wormser, ICFA seminar, Daegu, Korea, September 30, HEP commitment to Grids : Exploratory phase. Several R&D projects in the world to develop the middleware, build mid size test beds, port some applications –US : PPDG, Griphyn –Europe : DATAGRID –Several initiatives in Asia 2002: Decision to build a grid infrastructure as THE TOOL for LHC computing. Creation of the LCG project (LHC Grid Computing). Point of no return! 2004 Large scale deployment of the world largest distributed computing infrastructure(s): –LCG, EGEE, OSG (US), NAREGI(Japan), etc…. –>200 sites, processors, 5 PB of storage

Guy Wormser, ICFA seminar, Daegu, Korea, September 30, Grids: a great oportunity for interdisciplinary contacts Grids have become a great vehicle for promoting interdisciplinary contacts between HEP, many other application fields and computing scientists –Bioinformatics –Medecine –Chemistry –Fusion science –Earth sciences –Astrophysics/astronomy –Neuroinformatics –Climate –Finance –….. HEP can be proud to have been a key player in these endeavours

Guy Wormser, ICFA seminar, Daegu, Korea, September 30, APPLICATIONS ported on EGEE Earth Observation by Satellite Hydrology Solid Earth Physics Climate Geosciences Chemistry of the Mars Upper Atmosphere Meteorology

Guy Wormser, ICFA seminar, Daegu, Korea, September 30, SEISMOLOGY[1] Fast Determination of mechanisms of important earthquakes (IPGP: E. Clévédé, G. Patau) Challenge Provide results 24h -48h after its occurrence Application to run on alert  Collect data of 30 seismic stations from GEOSCOPE worldwide network  Select stations and data  Definition of a spatial 3D grid +time  Run for example jobs Peru earthquake, 23/6/2001, Mw=8.3 Data used: 15 Geoscope Stations 5 Seisms already ported: Peru, Guadeloupe, Indonesia (Dec.), Japon, Indonesia (Feb.)

Guy Wormser, ICFA seminar, Daegu, Korea, September 30, SEISMOLOGY [2] Indonesian EQ 25 March 2005 Thanks to the grid, the best of the 30,000 solutions could be found within 30 hours after the earthquake took place. This best solution was later confirmed by comparing it with results from other analysis methods. Many CPUs (>100) from time to time without reservation

Guy Wormser, ICFA seminar, Daegu, Korea, September 30, HYDROLOGY [1] Flood Prediction: Experimental data and Models. L. Hluchy, Viet Tran, M. Ciglan …. (II-SAS, Bratislava Slovaquie) CHALLENGE Complex application: Assimilation of data in models and cascade of simulations Data sources Hydrological simulation Hydraulic simulation Portal Meteorological simulation Cascade of simulations

Guy Wormser, ICFA seminar, Daegu, Korea, September 30, Korba coastal aquifer Tunisia Cape Bon Peninsula 70km south-east of Tunis 45 km Management of water resources in Mediterranean area (SWIMED) G. Lecca (CRS4 Italy), P. Renard (Unine, CH), J. Kerrou (INAT, Tunisia), R. Ababou (IMFT, Fr)

Guy Wormser, ICFA seminar, Daegu, Korea, September 30, GEOSCIENCES Generic seismic platform software, based on Geocluster commercial software developed by CGG Includes 400 geophysical modules, implemented on EGEE Used by both academics and private companies. Free of charge for Academics, with charge for R&D

Guy Wormser, ICFA seminar, Daegu, Korea, September 30, EARTH SCIENCE ORGANISATION  Coordination Earth Science: Monique Petitdidier (IPSL)  14 Research Laboratoiries and Institutes; One organisation: ESA, 3 Private companies, CGG, DutchSpace et Iguassu Software Systems  Bulgaria, France, Italy, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands, Russia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Tchequie  Around 40 persons registered in the VOs Welcome to new partners

Guy Wormser, ICFA seminar, Daegu, Korea, September 30, Status of Biomedical VO PADOVA BARI 15 resource centres ( )  17 CEs (>750 CPUs)  16 SEs 4 RBs: CNAF, IFAE, LAPP, UPV RLS, VO LDAP Server: CC-IN2P3 4 RBs 1 RLS 1 LDAP Server

Guy Wormser, ICFA seminar, Daegu, Korea, September 30,

Guy Wormser, ICFA seminar, Daegu, Korea, September 30, Malaria Data challenge (summer 2005)

Guy Wormser, ICFA seminar, Daegu, Korea, September 30, Consensus on objectives A/ Guarantee the best possible conditions for the advent on a Grid-based HEP world wide computing A.1/ Make sure that all conditions are met to foster the development of viable HEP grid(s) A.2/ Make sure that they are interoperable and secure A.3/ Make sure that all regions of the HEP world have an easy access to them B/ Foster collaboration and training in HEP computing B.1/ Make sure that the best possible conditions are met to foster the common development of software tools and standards B.2/ Make sure that the best possible conditiond are met for best practice exchange and training

Guy Wormser, ICFA seminar, Daegu, Korea, September 30,

Guy Wormser, ICFA seminar, Daegu, Korea, September 30, Digital divide issues HEP is playing an important role in promoting science of many developping countries The Digital divide workshop in Korea in May was a very good illustration of this phenomemon. The virtusous circle: science/grids/high speed network is proving very efficient in many countries see CHEP06 in India Sharing the knowledge around the Mediterranea conf in Casablanca Sept 05 Creation of a training task force within IHEPCCC (V. Ilyin chair) –Census of all existing training programs in HEP Preparation of World Summit on IST : Tunis, Durban,… –SCIC is preparing a report. IHEPCCC will help Second common workshop between SCIC and IHEPCCC in fall 2006 in Europe