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Standards first...
Academic Standards Necessitate the selection and use of materials, methods and tools to enable students to achieve them.
The Standards - UDL- IEP Connection Standards are for all learners –Students with IEPs –English Language Learners UDL assumes that students with varying needs will be involved in learning, and that the curriculum goals, methods, materials, and assessments need to address this diversity. This Training is Built on UDL with UDL principles!
Clear Standards Clear, high standards that establish what all students need to know and be able to accomplish Standard Enhancement Project- Standards per grade in Reading/Writing/Speaking/ Listening, Math, Social Studies, and Science Anchors and Eligible Content Clear Standards Fair Assessments Instruction Materials & Resources Interventions Student Achievement Curriculum Framework Standards Aligned System
6 SAS: Standards and Anchors Standards Benchmark measures define what students should know and be able to do Assessment Anchors Provide clear examples of skills/knowledge that should be learned and will be assessed on state tests at specific grade levels
Standards: Essential Elements Standards Assessment Anchors Reporting Categories Assessment Blueprint/Reporting Clusters Performance level descriptors
8 Standard Coding C Reading Standard area Grade- level Ordinal Descriptor
9 Assessment Anchor Coding R3.A.1.1 Reading Grade Level Reporting Category Assessment Anchor Descriptor
10 Reporting Categories- Reading Reporting Category*Standard(s) A. Comprehension and Reading Skills 1.1 Learning to read independently 1.2Reading critically in all content areas B. Interpretation and Analysis of Fiction and Nonfiction Text 1.1 Learning to read independently. 1.2 Reading critically in all content areas 1.3 Reading, analyzing, and interpreting literature *PSSA scores will be reported for these categories.
11 Anchor Descriptor: R3.A.1.1 R3.A.1.2 R3.A.1.3 R3.A.1.4 R3.A.1.5 R3.A.16 Eligible Content (example) R3.A R3.A ASSESSMENT ANCHOR R3.A.1 Understand fiction appropriate to grade level. R3.A.2 Understand non-fiction according to grade level R5.B Interpretation and Analysis of Literature Subject Area: 1 : Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening Standard Area: Reading Independently Grade level: GRADE 3 Standard: C Use meaning and knowledge of words(e.g. synonyms, antonyms) across content areas to develop a reading vocabulary Pennsylvania Department of Education StandardStandardAnchorAnchor
12 Reporting Categories-Math(2.1) Reporting Category*Standard(s) A. Numbers and Operations2.1 Numbers, number systems, and number relationships 2.2 Computation and estimation B. Measurement2.3 Measurement and estimation C. Geometry2.9 Geometry 2.10 Trigonometry D. Algebraic Concepts2.8 Algebra and functions E. Data Analysis and Probability 2.6 Statistics and data analysis 2.7 Probability and predictions
13 Standard: 2.1. Numbers, Number Systems and Number Relationships GRADE 8 A.Represent and use numbers in equivalent forms (e.g., integers, fractions, decimals, percents, exponents, scientific notation, square roots). B.Simplify numerical expressions involving exponents, scientific notation and using order of operations. Pennsylvania Department of Education StandardStandardAnchorAnchor
1.1.3 Learning to Read Independently STANDARD: E Acquire a reading vocabulary by identifying and correctly using words (e.g. antonyms, synonyms, categories of words). Use a dictionary when appropriate. ALTERNATE STANDARD: B.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of objects by showing how they are used. For more information on Alternate Standards:
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