June 3 was the official publication date, so our official thirty day deadline to gather signatures and file the petitions with the Houston City Secretary was July 3, As a result of the hard work of all concerned, a successful referendum petition drive produced over 55,000 signatures. We pre-verified with VUID over 31,000 signatures and submitted them on July 3, 2014
City Secretary Anna Russell certified 17,269 as the required minimum number of signatures required to force the Referendum provisions of the City’s Charter. Mrs. Russell reported she “checked” 19,177 signatures and validated 17,826 of those (a 93% success rate), then discontinued since the minimum required signatures had been reached. Her report was dated August 1
On August 4, City Attorney David Feldman then intervened, rejecting 2750 entire petitions on technical issues such as legibility of the collector’s signature, etc. His work left only 15,249 valid signatures; 2,020 under the minimum.
Since the City Attorney has NO role except advisory under the City Charter in the validation process, We can reach no other conclusion than that Mr. Feldman is engaging in a conspiracy to deprive the citizens of Houston the right to vote on this referendum!
Please call Houston Mayor Annise Parker and Houston City Council members to demand that since the citizens submitted far more than the minimum qualified signatures, we be given the right to vote this November and settle whether THE PEOPLE want biological males in women’s restrooms!
Call and ask that this message be given to the Mayor and EVERY City Council member: LET THE PEOPLE VOTE!