ASCE Institute Advisory Group (IAG) TRBG Overview January 31, 2015
Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) Institute Advisory Group (IAG) Purpose To advise CDI on workforce engagement, retention, climate and other Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) issues affecting Civil Engineering technical practice areas To include a focus on recruiting and retaining students or new graduates who want to specialize and join the Institutes Organization: member virtual group with quarterly meetings via conference calls Launch Date March 2015
CDI IAG Subcommittee Members Evans Earle Sweeney Johnson Parker Brown Robert N. Evans, P.E., F.ASCE – McKissack & McKissack – GEO (Subcommittee Chair) Dr. Celia D. A. Earle, P.E., A.M.ASCE- Brown & Caldwell- EWRI Dr. Peggy A. Johnson, F.EWRI, M.ASCE, - The Pennsylvania State University - EWRI Karen Sweeney, Aff.M.ASCE, Turner Construction- CI Kim Parker Brown, P.E., M.ASCE- Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) HQ - EWRI (CDI Chair)
Representative Responsibilities & Potential Projects Responsibilities Participate in all meetings Review & provide feedback on agenda items Advise & Educate Collaborate on technical area specific programming and resources Update Technical area leadership, members & partners Potential Projects Conversations w/Civil Engineers Mentoring Sessions (NSBE, SHPE, SWE & WEPAN) to focus on internships and co-ops for students Webinars, conference sessions and articles CE Workforce Diversity Forum Standardized D&I programming and resources for ASCE Institutes Minimize duplication of effort for Institute D&I Committees (not taskforces)
Recommended IAG Representatives Frank Sturgeon, AIA (AEI) Rob D’Onofrio, P.E., M.ASCE (CI) Marcellus Pitts, M.ASCE (COPRI) Dr. Hayley Shen, P.E., M.ASCE (EMI) Dr. Peggy A. Johnson, F.EWRI, M.ASCE (EWRI) Takahiko Kimura, P.E., F.SEI, M.ASCE (SEI) L. Sebastian Bryson, P.E., M.ASCE (GEO) Marsha Anderson Bomar, M.ASCE, FITE, AICP, ENV, SP (TDI)
Discussion Questions regarding the establishment of the IAG? Other projects and topics you would like to see the IAG address? Request any additional feedback by February 15, 2015 to CAP Chair – Renee Schwecke or CDI Chair – Kim Parker Brown
Thank you! Robert N. Evans, P.E., F.ASCE-IAG Subcommittee Chair Kim Parker Brown, P.E., M.ASCE - CDI Chair Renee Schwecke, P.E., M.ASCE – CAP Chair Constance Thompson, CCDP – CDI Staff Liaison