Globally Speaking A World of Possibilities
Global Speakers’ Network Special Events Support & Networking Designations & Awards GSA Germany 170 Members NSANZ New Zealand 100 Members APSS Singapore 78 Members NSASA South Africa 69 Members PSA Holland Candidate Member 23 Members PSA UK 379 Members MAPS Malaysia 56 Members PSA China Candidate Member 25 Members CAPS Canada 485 Members NSAA Australia 326 Members PSA Middle East In Formation NSA USA 3,656 Members FPSA France In Formation
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GSA Germany NSANZ New Zealand APSS Singapore NSASA South Africa NSAA Australia MAPS Malaysia PSA Holland Candidate Member NSA USA Global Speakers’ Network Designations & Awards Special Events Support & Networking CAPS Canada PSA UK PSA China Candidate Member 1. Warren Evans 10.Robyn Pearce 9. Naomi Rhode 8. Paul Bridle 2. David Price 6. Terry Paulson 3. Patricia Ball 5. Kit Grant 7. Catherine Palin-Brinkworth 4. Max Hitchins World Presidents PSA Middle East In Formation 12. W. Mitchell 11. Joe Sherren 13. Lindsay Adams FPSA France In Formation
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