Primary 1 / 2 Mrs Campbell & Ms Matthew Welcome to Goat Fell Primary 1 / 2 Mrs Campbell & Ms Matthew
PE Days Monday, Wednesday & Thursday Polo shirts & shorts Theme – Fitness & Developmental play
Outdoor Learning / Community Library Class Timetable DAY/TIME 9-9.15 9.15-10.00 10.00–10.45 11.00–11.45 11.45–12.30 1.15–2.15 2.15–3.00 MONDAY JC CB Literacy P1 – Phonics P2 – Reading Activities PE Maths Topic Art TUESDAY P2 - Writing Activities Learning to Learn Time inc. RME WEDNESDAY SM P2 - Comprehension Library (in groups) Numeracy H&WB THURSDAY PATHS Science FRIDAY P2 – Spelling & Reading Assembly or Pastoral Groups Drama Outdoor Learning / Community Library Golden Time
Learning to Learn Weekly throughout the school Children discuss as a whole class In P1/2 the children are able to tell each other what they have been learning about Moving on to how we can improve/next steps
Literacy - Phonics We teach phonics – the sounds of the letters, not the names We encourage children to begin word building ASAP using taught sounds Sounds are not taught in alphabetical order to allow children to make words early on in their learning Sounds are taught with an action Children in P2 will continue to learn sounds, which will be reinforced in their Spelling Homework
Literacy - Reading Primary 1 Phonic reading books related to their sounds, Sight vocabulary in homework packs Traditional reading books, once the children are secure in their vocabulary Primary 2 To continue using Storyworlds and introducing new vocabulary at each level Reading 2 – 3 times each week, depending on other events in school
Numeracy & Maths Primary 1 Active Learning Number recognition & counting Primary 2 Consolidating number bonds within 10 & extending to within 20 Vertical addition & subtraction
Homework Folders for letters & correspondence Homework Diary – to be sent into school each day Active Homework Bags for Primary 1 Spelling & Number Homework for Primary 2
Topic Islands Katie Morag Stories will be used as a base, children have been introduced to the main character and have shared their ideas about what they want to learn through this topic
Ms Matthew Health & Well Being – All About Me Science – Water related to Islands topic
Behaviour Traffic Light System in all classes Any concerns parents would be contacted
Questions? Primary 1 parents visiting sessions