Recent Construction Sites of Micropiles in Germany Thomas F. Herbst Wessling / Munich Germany 5th IWM 2003 Seattle – Session 2
1. Replacement of the 100 years old lock Lauenburg of the Elbe-Lübeck Channel Cross section of the lock
Lock Lauenburg: Aerial view during construction 2003
View of the site with 3 floating drill rigs Execution: Bauer Micropile GEWI dia. 63,5 mm anchored in underwater concrete slab Underwater installation from pontoon Length: 23 to 27 m
2. Retrofitting of a bridge abutment in Bad Waldsee Execution: Bilfinger&Berger Micropile GEWI dia. 50mm in sections, borehole dia. 150 mm Free head room: max. 2 m Soil: Gravel and silt Rotary drilling with external cementitious flushing
Group testing with 3 GEWI piles at Bad Waldstadt site Single and group testing of each micropile up to 1,25 service load Service Load: 300 kN per micropile
3. Retrofitting of settled drainage tunnel of the waste disposal Kahlenberg Drainage tunnel
Micropile with inflatable bulb (system Bauer)
ground micropile shaft with bearing element A)Design for preloadable micropile head: Solutions by Bauer structural element
B) Preloading of the micropile and lifting of the structure micropile shaft with bearing element structural element ground s
micropile shaft with bearing element ground structural element grouted gap C) Lifted structural element after preloading of the micropile, tightening the lock nut and grouting
D) Micropile head for preloading in case of an existing structure s existing structural element ground micropile shaft with bearing element
Bauer - Klemm drill rig for low head room
116 micropiles in total 96 grouted micropiles 20 micropiles with inflatable bulb Total amount of micropiles for the drainage tunnel of the waste disposal Kahlenbach installed by Bauer : Ore rib