GBT - part of Econcern’s Wind Holding BV - works closely with Darwind BV and Steelworks BV. GBT forms an essential part of the value chain that will provide Econcern with the capacity to roll out its offshore projects. GBT will focus on primary sourcing of multi-MW blades to both offshore and onshore WTG producers. We will: –offer tailored solutions including blade design, development and production –leverage innovations in blade technology to deliver the best blades at competitive prices GBT aims to source 100% of Darwind’s blades and acquire a 10% market share in the remaining market for outsourced multi-MW blades in Europe –GBTs overall share in the market of outsourced multi-MW blades will be 30% by 2015 –Total blade production will build up to 2,400 blades by 2020 GBT represents an attractive business opportunity »Total financing required: € 43 million »NPV: € 652 million 11% discount rate in real terms) »IRR: 48% General Blade Technology
The prime role of GBT: to secure the supply of high-quality 5 MW blades to Darwind: –Darwind aims to become a major player in the offshore wind turbine market in Europe by offering a high performance and low maintenance 5 MW wind turbine based on the direct drive principle in combination with a permanent magnet generator –Darwind will enter the market by 2011 and aims to deliver 500 WTGs by 2016, therefore requiring 1,500 blades by that year. New companies entering the market with similar needs: –Once GBT has demonstrated its capabilities by supplying Darwind, it will start offering similar services to other WTG producers. GBT will focus on primary sourcing of multi-MW blades to offshore AND onshore WTG producers. We will : –offer tailored solutions including blade design, development and production –leverage ongoing innovations in blade technology to deliver the best blades at competitive prices GBT will address other market segments to leverage capacity: –Provide secondary sourcing to WTG producers with in-house blade production –Supply 2.5 MW blades as fall-back if the market for large blades falls below plan GBT aims to supply 100% of Darwind’s blades and acquire a 10% market share in the remaining (non-Darwind) market of outsourced multi-MW blades: –Total blade production is expected to build up to 2,400 blades by Opportunity Ambition Positioning
Industrial Process
Why Fife Energy Park? Current tenants Ocean Power Delivery BiFab Professional Testing Services Duncan Engineering JFK Group Ltd Existing quayside Road infrastructure by Scottish Enterprise Utilities close by 14 to 16 ha site available Broadly level site Roads infrastructure provided Suitable quayside Synergies with BiFab & others Availability of utilities A local, skilled workforce with engineering experience
6 Site Masterplan
Design Philosophy
Building Sections
Phasing Plan
Phase 1 - Plan Layouts
Canteen/Kitchen Layout Ground Floor
Office Area Layout First Floor
Quayside Condition & Operation Scottish Enterprise Remedial Works Joint Operation & Management with BiFab Synergies – Cranes, Labour, Facilities GBT – At Full Production – 3/4 Vessels Per Week Quayside Operation in Summer Months
Statutory Consents A planning application is required to Fife Council. Application being prepared by T&T. Target consent: end March 09 The building warrant required from Fife Council will be applied for in 3 stages by T&T Team, to fit in with the sequencing of the work: –Stage 1 - Earthworks / Foundations / Below ground drainage –Stage 2 – Steelwork superstructure –Stage 3 - Buildings / Fit-out / M&E Services / Fire Consent to discharge surface water is required from SEPA Consent to discharge foul water is required from Scottish Water.
Perspective 1
Perspective 2
Grid Plan