Social Studies Lesson Plan Dr Ron Helms Ron Freeman Ed 617
Geography 5 th grade. Bernie Takes a Vacation. Students research maps, atlases, and the internet, for locations of famous landmarks. They calculate distances from one point to another and determine how long the travel time will be, given various types of transportation.
Objective #1 Given clues from the presentation, students will be able to use various resources, (books, maps, internet, etc.) to find the location of famous landmarks
Objective #2 Given two cities, Students will be able to use resource materials, such as an atlas or an almanac,or the internet, to find the distance between the two cities.
Objective #3 Given a method of travel, and the speed of the vehicle, and the location of two cities, students will be able to calculate how long it will take to get from one city to the other.
Materials Needed: Power Point Overhead Computer Atlases Almanacs Calculators Geography Books Note paper and pencils
Web Sites #1 Design gallery live: &?CAG
Website #2 World Fact Book:
Website #3 Uncle Bob’s Kids’ Page http/: boba/kidsi.html
Website #4 Internet Public Library
Website #5 Discovery Channel Online
Activity #1 After teams have been selected by staff members, the team members will decide: Who will write the notes for the team. Who will be in charge of checking the math. Who will find the resource books. Who will do the presentation to the class.
Activity #2 Students will split into teams of two or three, and will use maps, resource books and almanacs to find the location of certain famous landmarks, such as the Statue of Liberty, The Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Eiffel Tower, Etc.
Activity # 3 The teams of students will use the resource materials that they have found to determine the distance in miles, between the landmarks or the cities where they are located.
Activity #4 The teams will use math skills to determine how long it will take Bernie to get to from the Statue of Liberty in New York, to The Leaning Tower of Pisa in Rome, by each of the suggested methods of travel (ship, hot air balloon, or plane).
Activity #5 The teams will present to the class their findings. This will include: Distance between cities Time of each method of travel Best method of travel
Bernie Has Two Weeks to Go on His Vacation. Lets’ See If We Can Help Him Have Some Fun by Deciding How He Should Get to Where He Wants to Go.
If I’m Here,
How Do I Get There?
Maybe I’ll Take A Boat. How many miles will that be? How long will it take if the boat covers 30 miles per hour? What if it’s the Love Boat?
What If the Love Boat Don’t Float?
Maybe I’ll Take a Hot Air balloon.
How Many Miles Would That Be, “As the Crow Flies”?
How Long Would That Take, If You Are Going 10 Mph?
What If the Wind Blew You off Course and You Landed on the Moon?
What If This Goon Took Your Balloon and Flew From the Moon All the Way to Rangoon?
How Many Miles Is It From the Moon to Rangoon?
Maybe I’ll Take an Airplane
Now This Plane Flies Fast! How Fast? 500 Mph! So How Soon Can We Get There?
I Only Have Two Weeks! What Am I Going to Do?