Connecting HOPE in Parkland: What Is a HOPE Center?
Constructing a Cultural Framework Hope Center creates a belief system and strategy framed in a design which encompasses the missions and goals of all organizations, agencies and institutions, which serve a community. This unique framework will create a common theme, which ensures that our efforts and promise for the community are fully realized The following “blueprint” walks you through a step-by-step process in order that you may fully familiarize yourself with it in order to utilize its design in constructing the Hope Center strategy for the 21st Century.
Foundation: Home, Opportunity, Possibilities, Empowerment NO EXCEPTIONS!! Foundation
Constructing the First Bearing Wall Foundation: Home, Opportunity, Possibilities, Empowerment NO EXCEPTIONS!! Four Elements of Success Anchor Tenants Associate Tenants High Expectations Opportunities for Success
Constructing the Second Bearing Wall Foundation: Home, Opportunity, Possibilities, Empowerment NO EXCEPTIONS!! Four Delivery Points Home & Family Community & Service Hobbies & Recreation Education & Career Four Elements of Success Anchor Tenants Associate Tenants High Expectations Opportunities for Success
Constructing the Roof Top Foundation: Home, Opportunity, Possibilities, Empowerment NO EXCEPTIONS!! Four Elements of Success Anchor Tenants Associate Tenants High Expectations Opportunities for Success Four Delivery Points Home & Family Community & Service Hobbies & Recreation Education & Career Holistic Success Self Actualization Potential
Hope Center Foundation: Home, Opportunity, Possibilities, Empowerment NO EXCEPTIONS!! Four Elements of Success Anchor Tenants Associate Tenants High Expectations Opportunities for Success Four Delivery Points Home & Family Community & Service Hobbies & Recreation Education & Career Holistic Success Self Actualization Potential AAmerica’s Promise BBoys & Girls Clubs CCity, State, County PPacific Lutheran University FFaith Based Organizations MMilitary HHealth Services JJuvenile Court (YAC) PParks & Recreations PPolice Department SSchool District Programs SSenior Services SSports Groups OOthers
By framing the HopeCenter concept, it demonstrates why and how this concept is important. The only missing ingredient is the desire and commitment to make it happen. No facts or figures can substitute for those elements. Each partner needs to bring those to the table. And to do that they need to suspend self interest but not abandon it. There is a greater common good that individually can never be achieved without this level of collaboration. Hope Center
Parkland HOPE Center Connecting HOPE in Parkland: Proposed Site
Parkland HOPE Center Much like the PLU East Campus/Parkland School location, HOPE Centers absolutely need transportation services
HOPE Center.8 Miles PTC As the crow flies…
As the bus driver might drive…
Distance = 1.2 miles PTC
ROUGH TIMELINE March Comprehensive Plan Mid Groundbreaking Sometime 2009 or Center Opens