Exploring Careers By I.Q. Student
Which Career is for me? Explain why I chose these three careers. Career # 1 – Career # 2 – Career # 3 –
My Questions List questions that I would like to ask of an expert in my chosen career fields
Asking an Ex-pert What did I learn from asking an expert about my career choices?
Biographical Sketches What did I learn about my career choices from reading about the lives of others in the field?
Duties & Responsibilities : What would I actually do on a day to day basis if I had this career?
Qualifications What is the base level of education required for this career? What kind of training do I need? Would I have to take a test to get hired into this career? What personal qualities are best suited for this type of work?
Salary Scale - Working Hours Minimum Maximum How many hours a day would I be expected to work in a job like this?
Working Conditions Advantages List here Disadvantages List here
Employment List Professional Organizations or Unions associated with this career List several places where I may find employment in this field.
Opportunity for Advancement Where can I go from entry level position? What can I learn that will prepare me for a better position later on?
Reflection Write a paragraph or two reflecting upon how I gathered my information and what I learned from the process. Did I get my questions answered? Which of my resources did I find most useful? Explain Why.
Reflection cont. After exploring three careers, which one would I like to pursue? Why? What will be my next step in preparing myself for my chosen career?
Bibliography Using the MLA citation format, list all of the specific resources that I actually used.