Information Technology Division Executive Office for Administration and Finance Service Oriented Architecture An Enterprise Approach to Enabling the Business
12/6/20152 Agenda What is Service Oriented Architecture? – Defined How does it help me? – Case Study Overview What do I need to do? – Guiding Principles – Organization – Governance What does tomorrow look like? What resources are available to me?
12/6/20153 What is Service Oriented Architecture? SOA is about two things: Building services and practicing architecture ~ Gartner An architectural discipline that is defined by a set of design principles. This architectural discipline has fostered a new design paradigm for creating shared, reusable, distributed services. ~ Gartner SOA is about turning ad hoc communities of software and process into an integrated economy composed of towns that are part of larger counties that are part of larger states, and so on. SOA is about the design and execution of the master plan, the infrastructure and government and laws that all of an organizations IT entities must follow to enable peaceful, productive commerce all around. ~ Joe McKendrick, 2008 In a Nutshell: It’s an approach to designing and supporting IT Systems that isolates application specific functionality from non-specific functionality.
12/6/20154 Case Study Overview: EOHHS Isolation Encapsulated Business Process into Service “bundles” Reuse Single instance of Master Data Created rules and mechanisms to access the service by multiple applications Governance Used Web Service Standards Mandated use
12/6/20155 Case Study Overview: MassGIS Protect the Service: Deliver application functionality even when technical underpinnings are being upgraded – either side of the API Middleware Upgrade – MapAccess replaced by Geoserver map server – All clients continued to function based on same interface Client Upgrade – Upgraded the user interface for OLIVER to use Javascript – Functionality was kept the same – OLIVER application provided access built on web services API (programmatic) ……. Isolation Encapsulated Business Process into Service “bundles” Reuse Initial effort was to build the web service to provide the access to maps. Earlier efforts provide the blueprint for replacements Agility Different applications use the mapping service in different ways Changes could be implemented without interrupting the service availability Changes can be made to the code base without disrupting the functionality
12/6/20156 Case Study Overview: ITD Reuse Technical Patterns Shared infrastructure Configuration Driven / Metadata Agility Use of Standard patterns allows for ease of deployment Creates foundational information as evolution requires changes Governance Enforcement of Security Policies Distributed Deployment; Centralized Management Open Standards (XML, HTTPS, FTP, etc.)
12/6/20157 Consistency Open Standards Naming conventions Standard design patterns Defined, machine –readable interfaces Reuse Granularity vs. Applicability Complete and Cohesive Fully Define Service Details Encapsulate Implementation Details Accommodate multiple invocation patterns Service Orientation Enable access to and use of services Interfaces are published (API’s) Services are stateless whenever possible Optimize operational concerns Design for concurrency Represent “Compose-able” Actions Appropriate level of abstraction Limit Dependencies Avoid mixing application logic with infrastructure logic What do I need to do: Guiding Principles
What do I need to do? Organizational Competencies 12/6/20158 Project Management Articulate Common Standards for Procurements Iterative Design Planned Cross Project Coordination Business Architecture Business Modeling Business functions Business processes Business deliverables Enterprise Architecture Articulate Enterprise Vision Adopt standards Design patterns to avoid point-to- point Solution Architecture Develop and execute technical solution Favor configuration over coding Implement to adopted standards Use Unified Process for development methodology Governance Model
12/6/20159 What does Tomorrow Look Like? The Ultimate Promise – Add support for emerging requirements without breaking the existing application – Communicate between applications without developing custom code every time – Browse available options and select only the functionality you need – Share what you’ve implemented with your business partners – See key performance indicators in real time/near real time – Enforce new compliance requirements in an automated way – Pinpoint environment failures efficiently, in a graphical manner without needing to read code
Questions? Contact Information: Gillian Lockwood /6/201510