2e jour
Objectifs In this lesson students will learn how : to recognize and differentiate definite and indefinite articles, prepositions “à” and “de” in any new documents. to discriminate grammatical words (tool words) from vocabulary words (content words). to discriminate between transparent, translucent and opaque vocabulary words. to practice self directed reading by adjusting expectations to current level of reading skill.
Révisions Text 1 : L’origine du nom FRANCE Informations culturelles What can you tell about the name of the country?
Révisions Text 1 : L’origine du nom FRANCE - It comes from Latin Francia which itself comes from a Frankish name. - The Franks are a Germanic tribe established in the north of Belgium. - The Romans used to call this place Francia. - Later on, in the 5th century, the Franks invaded « la Gaule » (France’s prior name) and gave their name to the new extended kingdom. - The name of the tribe means « the Free Men ».
Révisions Text 1 : L’origine du nom FRANCE Informations sur la grammaire What are the 2 kinds of words you can find in a text?
Révisions Text 1 : L’origine du nom FRANCE Informations sur la grammaire What are the 2 kinds of words you can find in a text? - grammatical words or tool words - vocabulary words or content words
Révisions Text 1 : L’origine du nom FRANCE Informations sur la grammaire What are the 2 kinds of words you can find in a text? - grammatical words or tool words - vocabulary words or content words What grammatical French words do you remember from Day 1?
Révisions Text 1 : L’origine du nom FRANCE Informations sur la grammaire What are the 2 kinds of words you can find in a text? - grammatical words or tool words - vocabulary words or content words What grammatical French words do you remember from Day 1? - definite articles: le, la, l’(+vowel) and les translated as THE - indefinite articles: un, une (A or AN) and des (SOME) - 2 frequent prepositions : de (OF / FROM) and à (AT / TO)
Révisions Text 1 : L’origine du nom FRANCE Informations sur la grammaire What are the 2 kinds of words you can find in a text? - grammatical words or tool words - vocabulary words or content words What grammatical French words do you remember from Day 1? - definite articles: le, la, l’(+vowel) and les translated as THE - indefinite articles: un, une (A or AN) and des (SOME) - 2 frequent prepositions : de (OF / FROM) and à (AT / TO) In French do you say animal sauvage ou sauvage animal?
Révisions Text 1 : L’origine du nom FRANCE Informations sur la grammaire What are the 2 kinds of words you can find in a text? - grammatical words or tool words - vocabulary words or content words What grammatical French words do you remember from Day 1? - definite articles: le, la, l’(+vowel) and les translated as THE - indefinite articles: un, une (A or AN) and des (SOME) - 2 frequent prepositions : de (OF / FROM) and à (AT / TO) In French do you say animal sauvage ou sauvage animal? animal (nom) sauvage (adjectif)
Révisions Text 1 : L’origine du nom FRANCE Information sur le vocabulaire What are the 3 vocabulary levels of difficulty for learners?
Révisions Text 1 : L’origine du nom FRANCE Information sur le vocabulaire What are the 3 vocabulary levels of difficulty for learners? -vocabulaire transparent : France - région – adaptation... -vocabulaire translucide : nom – peuple –à l’origine -vocabulaire opaque : guerriers – est - libre
Activité 1.Choisir un paragraphe dans un magazine français. 2.Noter la fréquence des termes grammaticaux. 3.Noter les termes situés APRES les articles. Ex. : Une grande entreprise 4.Noter les termes situés AVANT et / ou APRES les prépositions À et DE Ex. : 25 millions DE dollars 5.Noter le reste des termes grammaticaux. 6.Noter le vocabulaire transparent ou translucide