SAM9260-EK WinCE DEMO AT91 SAM9 Product Group. Version 1.0 October 2006
ARM-Based Products Group October SAM9260-EK Boot Solutions Jumper J7 (Boot Mode Select) allows to select the Boot Mode of the AT91SAM9260-EK J7 Opened, the AT91SAM9260 boots from the on-chip Boot ROM The on-chip Boot ROM Memory integrates different programs permitting download and/or upload into the different memories of the product First, it initializes the DBGU and the USB Device Port. Then the DataFlash Boot program is executed. It looks for a sequence of eight valid ARM exception vectors in a DataFlash connected to the SPI. If a valid sequence is found, code is downloaded into the internal SRAM. This is followed by a remap and a jump to the first address of the SRAM. Then the NANDFlash Boot program is executed. It looks for a sequence of eight valid ARM exception vectors in a NANDFlash. If a valid sequence is found, code is downloaded into the internal SRAM. This is followed by a remap and a jump to the first address of the SRAM. If no valid ARM vector sequence is found, SAMBA™ Boot is then executed. It waits for transactions either on the USB device, or on the DBGU serial port. Then, user can use SAM-BA GUI to download binary file into the different memories of the product. J7 Closed, the AT91SAM9260 boots from the off-chip memory connected to NCS0 (No memory is connected on the EK by default)
ARM-Based Products Group October SAM9260-EK WinCE Demo Software requirements Demo WinCE file including: Binary Files: BootRam.bin, EBOOT.nb0 & NK.nb0 AT91ISP V1.4 (or higher) GUI Application installed on your computer Hardware requirements SAM9260-EK Evaluation Kit Serial Cross Cable (Female-Female) USB Device Cable Ethernet Cable
ARM-Based Products Group October SAM9260-EK SAM-BA Boot Install AT91ISP v1.4 and reboot your computer Reset the board Connect the USB Device Interface (J19) to your PC using the USB Device Cable Start SAMBA GUI Application Select the SAM9260-EK and choose USB Connection
ARM-Based Products Group October Download BootRAM.bin in DataFlash with SAM-BA Select DataFlash AT45DB/DCB tab Choose Init & Select AT45DCB Dataflash Card on CS1 in scripts rolling menu and press Execute Choose Send BOOT File in scripts rolling menu and press Execute Choose file named BootRam.bin and press Open. 1°- Init & Select AT45DCB Dataflash Card on CS1 2°- Send BOOT File
ARM-Based Products Group October Download EBOOT.nb0 in DataFlash with SAM-BA Press on Send File Name Browse button Enter “0x4000” in Internal Address text field Choose EBOOT.nb0 and press Open Press Send File button Dataflash internal address 0x5000 EBOOT.nb0
ARM-Based Products Group October Download WinCE Demo (NK.nb0) in NandFlash with SAM-BA Select NandFlash tab Choose Init NandFlash in scripts rolling menu and press Execute Press on Send File Name Browse button Choose file named NK.nb0 and press Open. Press Send File button (this will take a few moment): WinCE has been stored in NandFlash Close SAMBA, remove USB cable 2°- Send NK.nb0 1°- Init NandFlash
ARM-Based Products Group October Connect the Serial Debug Port (J17) to your PC using the Serial Cross Cable Start an hyperterminal session on your PC with settings: N-1 Reset the board Press “Space” key when the message “Initiating image launch in x seconds” is displayed to stop booting, the following Menu is then displayed Ethernet Boot Loader Configuration: 0) MAC address: 02:03:04:05:06:07 1) IP address: ) Subnet mask: ) Boot delay: 5 seconds 4) DHCP: (Enabled) 5) Reset to factory default configuration 6) Download new image at startup 7) Download image to SDRAM 8) Frequency settings (core at 200, bus divider 2) A) test RTC: D) Download image now L) Launch existing flash resident image now N) Nand Flash menu Configure WinCE Boot: EBOOT
ARM-Based Products Group October Select option “1” and enter your own IP address and Subnet Mask The board must be on the same subnet as your PC The following menu is then displayed: Ethernet Boot Loader Configuration: 0) MAC address: 02:03:04:05:06:07 1) IP address: xxx.yyy.zzz.ttt 2) Subnet mask: ) Boot delay: 5 seconds 4) DHCP: (Enabled) 5) Reset to factory default configuration 6) Download new image at startup 7) Download image to SDRAM 8) Frequency settings (core at 200, bus divider 2) A) test RTC: D) Download image now L) Launch existing flash resident image now N) Nand Flash menu Configure WinCE Boot: EBOOT
ARM-Based Products Group October Select option “4” The following menu is then displayed: Ethernet Boot Loader Configuration: 0) MAC address: 02:03:04:05:06:07 1) IP address: xxx.yyy.zzz.ttt 2) Subnet mask: ) Boot delay: 5 seconds 4) DHCP: (Disabled) 5) Reset to factory default configuration 6) Download new image at startup 7) Download image to SDRAM 8) Frequency settings (core at 200, bus divider 2) A) test RTC: D) Download image now L) Launch existing flash resident image now N) Nand Flash menu Configure WinCE Boot: EBOOT
ARM-Based Products Group October Select option “6” The following menu is then displayed: Ethernet Boot Loader Configuration: 0) MAC address: 02:03:04:05:06:07 1) IP address: xxx.yyy.zzz.ttt 2) Subnet mask: ) Boot delay: 5 seconds 4) DHCP: (Disabled) 5) Reset to factory default configuration 6) Launch existing flash resident image at startup 7) Download image to SDRAM 8) Frequency settings (core at 200, bus divider 2) A) test RTC: D) Download image now L) Launch existing flash resident image now N) Nand Flash menu Configure WinCE Boot: EBOOT
ARM-Based Products Group October Configure WinCE Boot: EBOOT In hyperterminal menu Select option N, “Nand Flash menu”: The following menu is then displayed: Nand Flash Menu : 1) Erase all sectors 2) Enter manually the image parameters 3) Quit... Select option “2” and set the following settings: Physical Start Address : (0x ) : 0x (Press Return) Starting ip : (0x8005a000) : 0x (Press Return) Total ROM size : (0x75144c) : 0x8b3bfc(Press Return) Reset the board and wait for a few moment
ARM-Based Products Group October Browsing the board with your PC Plug the Ethernet Cable in Ethernet Interface (J14) and on your PC. Start your favorite browser and enter the board URL : You can browse the demo web site thanks to the webserver. Your own web site can be added on a USB key. For that : Type telnet xxx.yyy.zzz.ttt in a windows on your PC. In this telnet session type WebServerSettings USB \USBDisk\YourSite enter the board URL : You can browse your web site.