Deliberate Life Project Seth Morgan
First Week For my project, I learned to play the guitar and had daily devotionals. During the first week, it was hard to get up every morning and spend time reading the Bible, but after awhile, I got into a routine.
First week The first week learning to play the guitar was the hardest week. I had never actually tried to learn how to play the guitar. Switching your fingers from chord to chord is so much harder than you might realize. After the first couple of days, I realized that it was going to be harder then I expected.
2 nd and 3 rd weeks The next two weeks, I started to enjoy getting up and spending time with my Bible. I had never started my day off like this before. It was like having a good breakfast to start the day and it fueled me for the rest of the day.
2 nd and 3 rd Weeks These two weeks were really fun for me, as I started getting a lot better and learning songs. I learned that it’s enjoyable to make music with an instrument.
Last Week By this time, it was a normal routine for me. I didn’t even need my alarm anymore. I would wake up and be excited to see what passage my devotional would tell me to read.
Last Week By now, I also loved playing the guitar. I’m nowhere close to actually being a good guitar player, but I’m getting a lot better. I’ve learned about five songs and tons of chord progressions.
Recap I'm glad I chose to start reading devotions for my project. This is something that I would like to continue for the rest of my life. It really does make a difference in how you feel and how your day goes. I would have never done this without the project.
Recap Playing the guitar is one of the most enjoyable things you can do in life. I never realized how much fun it is to make music. I want to continue getting better at playing the guitar.
Video of me playing AJ5I6U& AJ5I6U&