CLR Preview Ohio’s Solid Waste and C&DD Program Annual Meeting May 9, 2013 Ohio EPA Electronic Licensing and Registration Tools Jim Long
What is CLR? Web-based eBusiness Center application for the solid & infectious waste program. “C” = Compliance (inspection and violation tracking by DMWM and HD). “L” = License application entry and processing. “R” = Registration application entry and processing. Web-based eBusiness Center application for the solid & infectious waste program. “C” = Compliance (inspection and violation tracking by DMWM and HD). “L” = License application entry and processing. “R” = Registration application entry and processing.
Why CLR? It’s 2013 Better Control of Process – No “lost” applications Ensure required information is reported Track application from submit to issue It’s 2013 Better Control of Process – No “lost” applications Ensure required information is reported Track application from submit to issue
Who can use the Licensing and Registration services of CLR? Person with signatory authority as defined in who will complete and submit a license and/or registration application DMWM Central Office & District Office staff Health Department staff of approved HD All who work in CLR will need to set up an eBiz account and a PIN Person with signatory authority as defined in who will complete and submit a license and/or registration application DMWM Central Office & District Office staff Health Department staff of approved HD All who work in CLR will need to set up an eBiz account and a PIN
How is access granted? Ohio EPA/PRMU staff have Administration rights assigned and can control who has access Licensed facilities and Registrants: The signatory person requests to use the eBiz licensing and/or registration services HD: Person(s) who are to have Admin rights must request it from PRMU. The HD Admin can assign review steps to their staff or to DMWM Ohio EPA District Office supervisor/manager, Central Office staff: A review step is assigned to you by PRMU and an is triggered when that occurs Ohio EPA/PRMU staff have Administration rights assigned and can control who has access Licensed facilities and Registrants: The signatory person requests to use the eBiz licensing and/or registration services HD: Person(s) who are to have Admin rights must request it from PRMU. The HD Admin can assign review steps to their staff or to DMWM Ohio EPA District Office supervisor/manager, Central Office staff: A review step is assigned to you by PRMU and an is triggered when that occurs
Setting up an eBiz Account and getting a PIN “Create New Account” Provide required information and submit Under My Account, request a PIN Print the Subscriber Agreement and have it notarized Mail it to Ohio EPA and wait for the PIN to be assigned “Create New Account” Provide required information and submit Under My Account, request a PIN Print the Subscriber Agreement and have it notarized Mail it to Ohio EPA and wait for the PIN to be assigned
Getting Started in CLR Once PIN is received, you can select facilities to submit applications for in CLR – sent to user when the request is approved. – Additional facility can be added at any time Once PIN is received, you can select facilities to submit applications for in CLR – sent to user when the request is approved. – Additional facility can be added at any time
Demonstration Search for facility Enter Application Submit Search for facility Enter Application Submit
Overview of Process User (Applicant, HD, & EPA) get User ID, PIN, and rights User (Applicant, HD, or EPA) associates one or more facilities with their account User (Applicant, HD, or EPA) enters and submits application Review steps assigned by authority Review steps completed License authority issues license and invoice User (Applicant, HD, & EPA) get User ID, PIN, and rights User (Applicant, HD, or EPA) associates one or more facilities with their account User (Applicant, HD, or EPA) enters and submits application Review steps assigned by authority Review steps completed License authority issues license and invoice
What are the Review Steps and who does them? Application Fee (OEPA-PRMU): accurate fee was received Complete (OEPA-PRMU) Compliance (OEPA CO) Financial Assurance (OEPA CO) Inspected (HD or OEPA District Office) These steps and the notes entered take the place of the HD Certification page for HD and the DO License/Registration Review form. Application Fee (OEPA-PRMU): accurate fee was received Complete (OEPA-PRMU) Compliance (OEPA CO) Financial Assurance (OEPA CO) Inspected (HD or OEPA District Office) These steps and the notes entered take the place of the HD Certification page for HD and the DO License/Registration Review form.
Review Step definitions Complete : The application is accurate and any required documentation is adequate. Compliance : Has an enforcement action been escalated? For example, has it been referred to prosecution or have orders been issued but not signed?
Review Step definitions Financial Assurance : Is the documentation current and complete? Inspected : Was the site recently inspected? Was the site in compliance?
What can Reviewers do once assigned to a task? View the application that was submitted Add Notes to document important information or decisions for any of the review steps. Mark the step as Complete when appropriate View the application that was submitted Add Notes to document important information or decisions for any of the review steps. Mark the step as Complete when appropriate
What are Reviewers not able to do? Alter the submitted application Assign your task to another user Issue a license or registration (only PRMU or an approved HD administrator can) View applications not assigned to you View applications once the review steps are all complete or issuance takes place Run reports – there are none in the software for version 1.0 Alter the submitted application Assign your task to another user Issue a license or registration (only PRMU or an approved HD administrator can) View applications not assigned to you View applications once the review steps are all complete or issuance takes place Run reports – there are none in the software for version 1.0
Implementation Tasks for L&R PRMU will use CLR to: – Process 2014 license applications – Enter Infectious Waste Renewals – Create Facility Lists PRMU will provide orientation to HDs prior to 2014 cycle and assign Admin rights Increase participation from all users PRMU will use CLR to: – Process 2014 license applications – Enter Infectious Waste Renewals – Create Facility Lists PRMU will provide orientation to HDs prior to 2014 cycle and assign Admin rights Increase participation from all users
Questions? Who, What, When,…Why?
What about the “C” part of CLR? Compliance is not a part of this launch, but in the near future. Holly Hillyer, Ohio EPA, SW Compliance & Inspection Support Compliance is not a part of this launch, but in the near future. Holly Hillyer, Ohio EPA, SW Compliance & Inspection Support