LOUIS XIII CUP SAILING RACE Schedule 11:30 Introduction & Briefing 12:00 Yachting Experience 13:00 Launching Ceremony 14:00 Sailing Practice 15:00 Sailing.


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Presentation transcript:

LOUIS XIII CUP SAILING RACE Schedule 11:30 Introduction & Briefing 12:00 Yachting Experience 13:00 Launching Ceremony 14:00 Sailing Practice 15:00 Sailing Race 17:30 Back to the Marina 19:00 Gala Dinner & Award Presentation WELCOME ON BOARD!

12:00 – 12:05Welcoming Speech and Event Introduction 12:05 – 12:15Sailing Basics 12:15 – 12:25Racing Basics 12:25 – 12:35Today’s Race (Course Analysis + Recommendations) 12:35 – 12:40Security and Conclusion 12:40 – 13:00Boarding and Last Preparations 13:00 – 14:00Yachting Experience RACE INTRODUCTION & BRIEF


Spinnaker Mast Main sail Jib Boom Main sheet Winch Hull Rudder Keel BASIC TERMS & PARTS OF A SAILING BOAT

A. In Irons (into the wind) — 0° B. Close Hauled — ~45° C. Beam Reach — 90° D. Broad Reach — ~135° E. Running — 180° WIND SAILING BASICS POINT OF SAIL

TACK The sailing boat is turned by passing the bow of the boat through the wind. CREW COMMANDS: Skipper: “ready to tack” The crew check the sheets, secures the new working jib sheet and maintains tension on but uncleats the current working sheet Crew: “ready” Skipper: “Tacking” The bow passes through the wind, as jib starts to luff, the leeward sheet is released and new working sheet is trimmed. The mainsail and boom will slowly switch sides as the boat turns. At the same time the crew have to move to the other side of the boat to keep the boat balanced. At the end of the turn the trim of the mainsail may need to be adjusted. 1.STARBOARD TACK 2.PASSING THROUGH THE EYE OF THE WIND 3.PORT TACK WIND SAILING BASICS—MANOEUVERS

the stern of the boat is passed through the wind, both the mainsail and the jib have to be adjusted. CREW COMMANDS Skipper: “ready to Jibe” The crew checks the sheets, secures the new working jib sheet and maintains tension on but uncleats the current working sheet Crew: “ready” Skipper: “Jibing” The crew begin to center the mainsail (important to prevent an uncontrolled forceful swing of the boom) Skipper slowly turn the boat as the mainsail being centered Once the stern passes through the wind, the mainsail is let out and the jib’s sheet is released and new working sheet is trimmed. At the same time the crew have to move to the other side of the boat to keep the boat balanced. At the end of the turn the trim of the mainsail may need to be adjusted WIND 1.PORT TACK 3.STARBOARD TACK 2.JIBE SAILING BASICS—MANOEUVERS JIBE

There are different regulations and rules for the many types of sail racing; depending on the type of boat, the type of course, of class and the type of competition. We will focus here on basic crossing rules that apply in most types of sail racing. A boat on starboard tack sails with the wind blowing onto the starboard (right) side, and the mainsail on the port (left) side. A boat on port tack sails with the wind blowing onto the port (left) side, and the mainsail on the starboard (right) side. Port / Starboard This is the most common rule used while racing and overrides most other rules. A boat on Port tack shall give way to a boat on Starboard tack. You should always be aware of boats around you – but especially when you are on port tack as you need to give way. WIND SAILING BASICS

Windward VS Leeward When two boats are on the same tack and overlapped, the windward boat is the boat that is closest to the wind. This boat must keep clear of all other boats to leeward. A common situation is when a boat is sailing downwind on a collision course with a boat on the same tack sailing upwind. The boat sailing downwind must give way to the boat sailing upwind. SAILING BASICS

Clear Ahead / Clear Astern When two boats are on the same tack and not overlapped, the boat clear astern must keep clear of the boat clear ahead. Basically if you are passing a boat on the same tack you should keep clear of them. Buoy Room When two or more boats on the same tack are approaching a buoy, the boats on the outside shall give room to the boats on the inside to pass the mark. There are more complicated rules to this regarding the 2 boat lengths circle – but we will not address them here. For more info consult the RACING RULES OF SAILING (RRS) from the INTERNATIONAL SAILING FEDERATION (ISAF) - SAILING BASICS

14:00 – 15:00Launching Ceremony and Boarding ( Free Island ) 15:00 – 16:00Sailing Training (Skippers on Each Boat) 16:00 – 17:45Sailing Race ( Around East Island Rally ) 17:45 – 18:10Return to Marina and Disembarking 19:00 – 21:00Gala Dinner and Award Presentation Ceremony TODAY’S RACE PROGRAM

VISUN No.6 ( Sail No. :A ) - OCEANIS 40: Team Ice Green VISUN No.14 ( Sail No. :B ) - OCEANIS 40: Team Yellow VISUN No.15 ( Sail No. :C ) - OCEANIS 40: Team Acid Blue VISUN No.16 ( Sail No. :D ) - OCEANIS 40: Team Green VISUN No.17 ( Sail No. :E ) - OCEANIS 40: Team Red VISUN No.10 ( Sail No. :F ) - OCEANIS 46: Team Pink VISUN No.11 ( Sail No. :G) - OCEANIS 46: Team Purple VISUN No.19 ( Sail No. :H ) - OCEANIS 46: Team Khaki RACE COMMITTEE BOAT – LAGOON 440 CATAMARAN The race committee and judges are onboard this boat, organising start, finish and overseeing the whole race RACE SECURITY BOAT – Montecarlo37 POWERBOAT: Security and safety staff following racing boats in case of emergency and assisting race committee on various critical spots of the course (at buoys) TODAY’S RACE

Around East Island Rally Racing Route * Start Line Between the Committee Boat and Mark No.1 * Racing Route : Start – Mark No.2 – Around East Island – Finish * Finish Line Between the Committee Boat and Mark No.3 TODAY’S RACE

Weather : Cloudy Wind : Current : Waves : Analysis : TODAY’S RACE

Before crossing the start line, the racing committee will inform you by using the following signals according to the time left before start. -5 min = Warning class signal:1 sound min = Preparatory signal:1 sound min = Preparatory flag removed:1 long sound + -Start = Class flag removed: 1 sound + Individual recall: 1 acoustic signalTotal recall: 2 acoustic signals TODAY’S RACE

IRC Rating Point System for Ranking Calculations Each boat is given an IRC coefficient based on the boat specificities (sails, hull, mast…). Scoring calculations are done by weighting racing time with this IRC coefficient. That means that the boat arriving first is not necessarily the winner, it will depend on its IRC rating. IRC Ratings of the boats: Oceanis 40: Oceanis 46: Calculations and Deliberation Between End of Races and Gala Dinner Award Presentation Ceremony: Presentation of Results and Prize Giving at Gala Dinner TODAY’S RACE

Put your life jacket on before boarding and wear it all the time at sea. For your safety and for team efficiency, always respect the skipper’s instructions Mind your head during the maneuvers onboard (swing of the boom) Keep on the recommended position on board Handle different elements of the boat (sheets, winchs,…) Improve team efficiency by focusing on and dedicating to the individual task given Wear gloves, spray top and barefoot onboard. SAFETY & CONCLUSION

We Wish You a Happy Sailing Time, and Good Luck to All Teams!