WITH YOUR GROUP, PLEASE: State what your pattern is (e.g. LISTING, SEQUENCE, COMPARISON, etc.) Show an example paragraph of your pattern from the book Explain when/why we use that pattern Is there any language that helps us recognize that pattern? Get ready to explain your pattern to other groups.
CAUSE AND EFFECT, p 181: STRUCTURE 1. Main idea (first sentence) States that something causes something else—or is caused by something else e.g. Stress at work can cause loss of sleep. Loss of sleep can be caused by stress. 2. Supporting facts/details (remaining sentences) Explains/gives examples of the causes and/or effects
CAUSE AND EFFECT, p 181: COMMON LANGUAGE When the cause comes first: cause, create, make, produce, influence, contribute to, lead to, result in When the effect comes first: be due to, be caused by, be the result of, be the consequence of, result from
LISTING, p 173 A. Structure B. Common language
LISTING, p 173: STRUCTURE 1. Main idea (first sentence) =generalization and tells you to expect a list of facts or ideas e.g. In the Trobriand Islands, the yam (a root vegetable) is important in several ways. 2. Supporting facts/details (remaining sentences)
LISTING, p 173: COMMON LANGUAGE FOR THE MAIN IDEA: Many, several, a lot of, some, a few, a number of, various, all kinds of FOR THE SUPPORTING DETAILS: First…, In addition/Additionally…, Finally/Lastly… One (way the yam is important is…)…, Another …., A final…
SEQUENCE, p 175 A. Structure B. Common language
SEQUENCE, p 175: STRUCTURE Main idea (first sentence) describes sequence of events OR steps that happen in a certain order Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States, served his country for most of his life. Doing laundry is not difficult./Doing laundry is a simple process. 2. Supporting facts/details (remaining sentences) the events or steps that follow
SEQUENCE, p 175: COMMON LANGUAGE FOR THE MAIN IDEA: For events: A word or phrase that refers to a date, time or period: 1945, life, was born, history, began, career, a long time For a process: How to, doing, prepare, process, steps
SEQUENCE, p 175: COMMON LANGUAGE FOR THE SUPPORTING DETAILS: For events: A date, a time, the age of a person, or phrases with time: early in the morning, two o’clock, for an hour For a process: Phrases that tell about the order of events or steps First…, Second…, Then…, Next…, Finally… before, while, now, after, last
COMPARISON, p. 179 A. Structure B. Common language
COMPARISON, p. 179: STRUCTURE Main idea (first sentence) presents two or more things, people or ideas and says how they are similar, different or both In most ways, Ukrainian cooking is different from Japanese cooking. 2. Supporting facts/details (remaining sentences) the specific similarities and/or differences between the two things compared
COMPARISON, p. 179: STRUCTURE MAIN IDEA usually includes the two things that will be compared and the fact that they are mostly similar, mostly different, or both (if the paragraph will discuss both) SUPPORTING DETAILS Words that show similarity: alike, like, similar, same, also, both, too, in the same way, in common Words that show difference: different, unlike, but, however, although, while, whereas, on the other hand, in contrast, rather, instead
PROBLEM/SOLUTION, p. 184 A. Structure B. Common language
PROBLEM/SOLUTION, p. 184: Structure Main idea (first sentence) presents a problem of some kind In many developing countries, homes do not have electricity and people do not own refrigerators. 2. Supporting facts/details (remaining sentences) Explains and gives details about the problem, then explains and gives details about a solution to the problem
PROBLEM/SOLUTION, p. 184: COMMON LANGUAGE Words that indicate a problem: problem, situation, trouble, crisis, issue, question, dilemma Words that indicate a solution: solution, solve, resolution, resolve, decide