Hints for finding topics: l Check out your N336 textbook l Consider issues discussed in other classes l Check the government websites, especially the thomas.loc.gov site l Brainstorm among yourselves l Look around—what are current health concerns in our society? l Check JADA…
Community Assessment l Measurement = l Assessment = 1.measuring the way things are (__________) 2.Determining _______________________ 3.calculating the ________________
Why Assess? l determine level of care needed l respond to a crisis, demand, or opportunity
Assess What? 1. ______ target population »Who is the community? 2. ______ target population »demographics:
Assess What? 3. What are the _________ health needs? »how will you know? 4. What is the _____________ status? »statistics: IMR, LBW, causes of death and disability… »check with community agencies »survey nutrition-related habits, dietary intakes, food supply… (NNMRR system)
Assessing Nutritional Status l Before data collection »Review the purpose, goals, and objectives »Develop a set of questions »Select a method to obtain answers l Methods of data collection
Assessment of Nutritional Status l A_____________ l B_____________ l C_____________ l D_____________ Dietary Assessment Methods:
Assess What? 5. What resources are available to meet needs? »M»M »M»M »M»M »M»M
Scenario 1 You are an RD with the County X Health Department. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death among U.S. women. There are no data on knowledge/awareness of CHD risk factors among women living in County X or about existing CHD prevention program and services in the county. You are asked to assess the problem in the community to determine whether a intervention or program is needed. What will you do?
Prioritize needs l Merge needs and desires with available resources l Consider the mission of the organization l Consider funds
Prioritize needs: Ask… l What is the size of the problem? »incidence/prevalence rate l What will happen if nothing is done? l What is the benefit of addressing the problem(s)?
Decision-making Tools l Brainstorming: spontaneous idea generation l Nominal group: all relevant personnel work to consensus l Focus group: ‘unaffected’ group opinions are extracted l Roundtable: discussion among stakeholders l Consensus building: diverse groups work toward goal l Flowchart: tool to analyze and sequence processes/problems
Selecting a Method l Issues to consider: »Program objectives »Study population »Financial issues »Implementation requirements »Analysis requirements »Actual data collection issues
Issues in Actual Data Collection l Practical issues l Scientific issues »specificity vs. sensitivity »validity, reliability l Cultural issues
Steps in Community Assessment 1. Define the problem 2. Set the parameters »Define “community” »Determine the purpose of assessment »Define target population »Set goals and objectives »Specify the type of data needed
Steps in Community Assessment 3. Collect data »Individual lifestyle factors »Living, working and social conditions »Community conditions »Background conditions 4. Analyze and interpret the data 5. Share the findings 6. Set priorities 7. Choose a plan of action
Scenario 1 You are an RD with the County X Health Department. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death among U.S. women. There are no data on knowledge/awareness of CHD risk factors among women living in County X or about existing CHD prevention program and services in the county. You are asked to assess the problem in the community to determine whether a intervention or program is needed. What will you do?
Community Programs Targeting Adults l Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly called Food Stamps) l Commodity Supplemental Food Program l Community Health Centers l Cooperative Extension Service »EFNEP »Family Nutrition Program (FNP)
Cooperative Extension Service l Began as an agricultural outreach mandated by President Lincoln l Serves all residents of the U.S. l “Cooperative” = l “Extension” =
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death among US women. The target population is women over 18 years of age in County X. In the community assessment phase, data were collected about community morbidity and mortality associated with CHD; types of educational materials available from nonprofit organizations, doctors’ offices, and other sources; and existing programs and services designed to reduce CHD risk. Now you are asked to review the assessment objectives. For each objective, develop a list of questions about this population’s knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to CHD risk and decide on a method of obtaining the answer. l Objectives 1. Assess women’s knowledge and awareness of the leading causes of death and CHD risk factors 2. Assess women’s practices related to reducing CHD risk 3. Assess women’s use of existing services designed to reduce CHD risk Scenario 2