It Takes a Village Contra Costa Regional Medical Center Stuart Forman, MD Kathryn Moore, OTR/L Ronald Marquez, PT Angela Bennett, RN Trent Tate, RCP
Where we were VAP Rate/ 1000 ventilator days
Where we are now Last VAP January 2011
How did we get there?
Step 1: Examine the evidence
Step 2: Find a Champion
Step 3: Engage a team
Step 4: Small tests of change
Step 5: Rapid Cycle Improvement
Step 6: Build on Success
ABCDE Building Blocks Wake up and breath protocols Ventilator bundles CAM-ICU Daily ventilator rounds ICU OT/PT staffing
What Were Our Barriers? Inertia Staffing Skeptical doctors Antiquated chart system Data gathering
How Did We Overcome These Barriers? EBM Use people’s normal work flow Invite participation from all team members Showcase results Engage quality and infection control managers
What Did We Learn From This Improvement Effort? Don’t try everything at once Culture beats strategy Engaged leaders Put front line workers in charge Data collection is not easy
What Can We Teach From Our Journey? Step 1: Find the evidence of efficacy Step 2: Find a champion Step 3: Engage the team Step 4: Small tests of change Step 5: Rapid cycle improvement—don’t expect perfection Step 6: Share and build on your successes Step 7: Lather, rinse repeat
Feel Free to Contact Us: Stuart Forman, MD, FAAFP Medical Director, Critical Care Services 2500 Alhambra Ave. Martinez, CA