Pedophilia and Psychological Profiling Serial Pedophiles Pedophilia and Psychological Profiling
Serial Pedophiles Often times, people who victimize children, abduct them to do so. Therefore, a brief discussion on Child Abduction: “Missing Children” (young) who are discovered missing from the home, are usually at home.
Serial Pedophiles Majority of “abducted” children are taken by family members who do not intend on harming the child. Estimated 200,000 every year. (NCMEC) Non-Custodial Parent Grandparents Ants / Uncles Usually related to a family separation / divorce
Serial Pedophiles 58,000 are abducted by non-family members primarily for sexual motives. “Registered” Child Sexual Offenders account for < 1% of child abductions. Child Abduction (kidnapping) is defined as: Unlawfully leads, takes, entices, or detains a child (under a certain age) with the intent to keep, conceal the child from its parents, guardian or other person having legal custody. This can include a non-custody parent taking their child. Can include a 14 year old girl persuaded to go with her 20 year old boyfriend out of state.
Serial Pedophiles It is the popular stereotype of a “Stranger” abduction that terrifies the community. (They are extremely rare.) They are the cases that a Criminal Profiler may be called in to assist. These are the cases where children are gone overnight or are transported 50 miles or more.
Serial Pedophiles It is not unusual for law enforcement to question parents, other family members or care takers as “suspects” when a child goes missing. The United States is 4th among 21 developed nations for child-murder by parents. Because most cases occur in and around the home and other private locations, there are few witnesses.
Serial Pedophiles Public being more attuned and concerned with child abduction, the “AMBER Alert” program has been implemented in all 50 states. (Named for 9 year old Amber Hagerman of Arlington, Texas who was abducted and murdered.) Research questions its effectiveness. (But it makes us feel better.)
Serial Pedophiles FBI and other Law Enforcement Agencies of Child Abduction Rapid Deployment Teams (CARD). 2007 there were 26 deployments to 18 states. 11 deployments (42%) resulted in the child being recovered alive. 13 deployments (50%) the children were recovered dead. 2 deployments (8%) the children remain missing.
Serial Pedophiles 10% of the “stereotypical abductions” (strangers) lasted 24 hours or more. 40% of all stereotypical abductions, the victims were killed. When the child is killed it is usually within the first 24 hours. (The first 3 hours are the most critical.) 44% of the cases, the victim is killed within the first half-hour of the abduction. (If the offender is inclined to kill, any response will be too slow.)
Serial Pedophiles If the child is killed, the killing will likely occur within the first 24 hours. (This does not mean the child has to be “rescued” within 24 hours as is portrayed on T.V.) 66% of the serious child abductions by strangers result in a return of the child without serious physical injury.
Serial Pedophiles Victims: Most victims of stranger abduction are opportunities. Abductors are not actively looking for a particular child. Victims are not selected because of physical characteristics. (Hair color, body type, race.) Gender does matter. Children ages 6 – 14 are most likely to be abducted by strangers for sexual gratification. School age females 3x more likely than males.
Serial Pedophiles Average age of female victim is 11 years. (Abductors find them physically mature enough to be sexually desirable and vulnerable enough to be easily controlled and exploited.) Abductions of elementary school children occur in or around (within a ¼ mile) of the home. Abductions of middle school children occur from playgrounds, shopping malls and other areas of recreation.
Serial Pedophiles Bodies of abducted murdered elementary school age victims are found within a mile of the place of abduction. Middle school age children’s bodies are found within 5 miles of the abduction site. The disposal site is usually close to the murder site. (Indicting that the offender acted close to their place of residence or place of employment.
Serial Pedophiles The Offenders: 98% of the children kidnapped by strangers are men. 66% of the stranger abducted children are females. Average age of abducted-child killers is 27 years old. 85% are unmarried. 51% live with their parents or live alone.
Serial Pedophiles Display poor social skills. Have very few friends. Unemployed or work in unskilled or semi-skilled labor occupations. Marginal work habits. Less than a high school education. Move frequently. Drug / alcohol abusers Described by others as “strange”
Serial Pedophiles 66% have prior arrests for violent crimes. 67% follow the same MOs in each of their crimes. * * * Child Abducting Killers have more consistency in the MOs than other types of killers.
Serial Pedophiles Child Molesters An adult who touches or fondles a child for their own sexual gratification. Sexual interest can range from fondling to mutilation and sometimes murder. Child molesters do not have a love or affection for children.
Serial Pedophiles Pedophilia is defined (DSM) as the acts or fantasy of engaging in sexual activity with pre-pubertal children, repeatedly (over 6 months) for achieving sexual excitement. Hebephiles are those who prefer children who are already in puberty. “Child Molesters” are not diagnosed by the DSM as having a mental disorder.
Serial Pedophiles Child Molesters use physical force to coerce their victims into sexual escapades. Although victims may be male, it does not translate that the offenders are bi-sexual or homosexual men.
Situational Child Molesters Serial Pedophiles Situational Child Molesters Does not have a “true sexual interest” but experiments with children. Regressed Child Molester will turn to a child as a temporary object for sexual gratification. They hold poor self esteem. Has problems with adult relationships. Often times he is married and live with his family.
Serial Pedophiles Regressed Child Molester, continued… More apt to abuse females. Employed. Geographically stable. Alcohol abuser.
Serial Pedophiles Sexually Indiscriminate Child Molester Abuser of all available persons. Sexual experimentation (“Try-Sexual”). Does not have a gender preference.
Serial Pedophiles Naïve / Inadequate Child Molester Suffer from a mental disorder. Legally my be considered “insane” – unable to make a distinction between right and wrong. Loners Described as “strange” “Bizarre” “Senile” Experiment with children, holding, kissing, fondling, licking.
Serial Pedophiles Preferential Child Molesters “Prefers” children as the providers of personal and sexual gratification. Mysoped Child Molester (Killer) Made the vital connection between sexual gratification and extreme personal violence. Abducts a child victim by force. (playgrounds, shopping centers.)
Serial Pedophiles Mysoped Child Molester (Killer), continued Torturing, humiliating, mutilating and killing his young victims. Will use a weapon. Crime is premediated and ritualized. May involve infibulation, (mutilation of female genitalia.)
Serial Pedophiles Preferential Child Molesters, continued… Seduction Molester Entices victims by courting them with attention, affection and gifts. Will be involved with the victim over an extended period of time. (May be involved with several children at the same time.)
Serial Pedophiles Preferential Child Molesters, continued… Introverted Molester No real skills at courting children. Will date and marry women with children.
Serial Pedophiles Preferential Child Molesters, continued… Fixated Molester Has a “cynical”” need for affection. Offender has not developed past a point where he, as a child, found children attractive. “Fixed” at an early stage of psychosexual development.
Serial Pedophiles Fixated Molester, continued… Usually single. Immature. Uncomfortable around other adults. Youth are less demanding, easily dominated, less critical of their performance. Believes that he “loves” children.
Serial Pedophiles Fixated Molester, continued… Prefers young boys. Will surround themselves with toys, videogames, sports equipment to be attractive to children. Sees himself as one of them. Will visit and “lurk” in chat-rooms.
Serial Pedophiles Sadistic Offenders Aggressive antisocial personality. (Sociopaths) Will have a criminal record for violent crimes (assaults, rapes). Will have a gender preference (boys). Mutilate (including cutting off the penis and inserting it in the victim’s mouth or anus.)
Serial Pedophiles Sadistic Offenders, continued… Sporadic Employment. Geographically transient. (Will move after a killing.) Will not have long-lasting personal relationships.
Serial Pedophiles Immature and Regressed Offender Geographically stable Suffers from various stages of dementia. Probably has a disability. Lives with or near family or a care provider. Offending behavior is “self medicating”
Serial Pedophiles Offenders will use technology. Pedophiles will exchange fantasies, stories and pictures. Common element is possession of child pornography. Many report they were victims of child sexual abuse (Cycle of abuse.)
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