Maria Tannant – Learning Technologist University for the Creative Arts Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone & Rochester.


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Presentation transcript:

Maria Tannant – Learning Technologist University for the Creative Arts Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone & Rochester

Exploring new worlds from a VLE perspective

New Tools – Old Rules. The law does not keep pace with technology, it does not move at the same speed (Cate 2009) The student voice states much of the learning happens in the cloud (Sharpe, Beetham and de Freitas 2010)

The Cloud provides ownership in learning and control in online environments

Define Web 2.0 and the Cloud from a learning perspective Group 1 – as learners Group 2 – as practitioners 10 minutes to discuss and note your findings

What are the legal challenges with Web 2.0 and the Cloud from a learning perspective? Group 1 – as learners Group 2 – as practitioners and institution 10 minutes to discuss and note your findings

What measures can we take to ensure we stay within the law and harmony exists between the VLE and the Cloud Group 1 – as learners Group 2 – as practitioners and institution 10 minutes to discuss and note your findings

Links and References Bath Acceptable Use Policy - Using External Web 2.0 Services Bath Computer Use Guidelines – the Route to Good IT Citizenship Cate, B (2010) The Law and Policy of Web 2.0: Much Old, Some New, Lots Borrowed, So Don't Be Blue Educause 7 things you should know about cloud-computing Educause 7 things you should know about Privacy in Web 2 Learning Environments Guidelines for Web 2.0 Integration in the Classroom - ADFI Link Affiliates JISC (2009) Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World JISC Legal Web 2.0 and the Law for HE Policy Makers - A Toolkit from JISC Legal UCA Use of Externally Provided Technologies – Draft UCA Staff Checklist for Using External Online Technologies UCA Students Checklist for Using External Online Technologies External-Online-Services-Student-Checklist.pdf External-Online-Services-Student-Checklist.pdf Sharpe, R., Beetham, H. and de Freitas, S. (eds) (2010) Rethinking Learning for a Digital Age: How Learners are Shaping their own Experiences, London, Routledge Social Media Sub Council - Web 2 0 Governance Policies and Best Practices