How to Cite a Website
Website Bib. Slip
Name of Website Name of Website *Look for a heading at the top of the page *This is REQUIRED!
Website Bib. Slip National Wildlife Federation
Publisher of the site (copyright) *Look at bottom of page. *Look for the company that owns the copyright ©.
Website Bib. Slip National Wildlife Federation
Website Bib. Slip National Wildlife Federation March 13, 2014 (current date or date YOU viewed it)
Date of e-publication (copyright) *Look at bottom of page. *List most current year.
Website Bib. Slip National Wildlife Federation March 13, 2014 (current date or date YOU viewed it) 2014
URL (web address) URL *Look for the web address *STOP at the .com, .edu, .org ….
Website Bib. Slip National Wildlife Federation March 13, 2014 (current date or date YOU viewed it) 2014
Author(s) Author *Look for a person’s name. *Many websites DON’T list an author.
(Leave blank if no author) Website Bib. Slip National Wildlife Federation National Wildlife Federation March 13, 2014 (current date or date YOU viewed it) 2014 (Leave blank if no author)
Website or document title/article title Website Title *Look for a title of your article. *It usually also appears in the browser tab too!
(Leave blank if no author) Website Bib. Slip National Wildlife Federation National Wildlife Federation March 13, 2014 (current date or date YOU viewed it) 2014 (Leave blank if no author) What we do to protect endangered species
FINAL Website Bib. Slip National Wildlife Federation March 13, 2014 2014 What we do to protect endangered species