+ APA Basics How to Avoid Plagiarism
+ APA BASICS OWL Purdue APA; manual pages Common errors and Formatting Writing style concise, clear, short sent. & para., avoid flowery, anthropomorphism Grammar past tense Italicize for for use, research terms, this shows that it is not your term Avoid, don’t, won’t, can’t, couldn’t, shouldn’t Citations/references scholarly website; cite all sources, every sentence; quotations, is it your idea; citations in references-alternate, peer review
+ Why Doesn’t My Opinion Matter? Become a better writer…(web) College level writing is evidence based Your opinion matters as long as… It’s backed up with evidence Present the evidence first then, sum up the evidence in your own words your opinion based on the evidence Will help you in all of your remaining courses Grades will improve, sometimes dramatically
+ What is Plagiarism Is it intentional? Not most of the time, unless, Copy and past Directly type exact sentences into document
+ How to Avoid Plagiarism How to avoid? Do not immediately write after only reading a couple of sentences or paragraph. Read several paragraphs or pages at a time. Practice paraphrasing out loud as if you were explaining the information to a young child. This is the level of understanding you should have of info If you cannot explain at this basic level, get another source This is the level I will be grading your papers; I will grade on your level of basic understanding, not use of research terms; again, where at all possible avoid using research language when writing